Chapter 1- Dead Man's Wish

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Hello!!! (>_<) Like that prologue? It’s a sneak peak about what’s inside my mind. Really? I even sometime wonder if I’m normal, mentally that is. I guess fantasizing dream land is what I do every minute of every day; that sentence there is obviously an understatement, of course. Haha! If only you knew me personally. ;-)

 Well, to avoid any confusion, the character who is narrating the prologue is completely a different person from the main protagonist. This time it’s his time to shine! Glad you like it…


The smell of singed wood filled the air when the cries of terror of the villagers become more and more deafening to hear. It was a terrible sight to see. Children crying next to their parent’s bloody bodies that died protecting them, couples holding each other’s hands till the last moment of their lives, and the view of a burning inferno right before my eyes. I saw a child whose parents were both killed, hugging both of his parent's lifeless bodies. At that very age, losing someone close to your heart would be a traumatic experience. Imagine, losing both of your parents at the same time! My heart really grieves for him.

The wind blew as men in armor approached the village and started to take the survivors away. A strange emblem was inscribed at the center of their breastplates. The emblem consisted of a two-headed beast breathing blue flames. What I'm seeing now is a true depiction of sadness and grief. A monstrous horror story comes to life, the perfect hell for a small child.

I watched as they grabbed the poor child away from his parents. He shed tears that they didn’t even notice. I tried to help him but my body just went through the soldier’s like a ghost’s. I stood there in horror and watched as the boy reached out his arm and asked my help. I ran towards them and realized that everything was fading. The trees, the sky, and the boy, they’re all fading. I found myself in complete darkness, crying because of my inability to help.


I woke up in our trailer with my favorite t-shirt drenched in cold water. Standing beside me were my father and my younger brother holding a bucket of water. The looks on their faces were unreadable. Before I could ask them what's happening, they began bombarding me with questions.

"Stop! One at a time, please," I managed to stop their annoying mouths.

"Son, Kael, you were sweating and moving real hard. Your dream must be a pretty bad one. Hope my chili burgers didn't cause those dreams."

"No, dad. Those were awesome! Although let’s we remove the fact that they're super-duper-hot and that I emptied all the supply of cow's milk and it made me go to the comfort room for almost every half hour because my lactose intolerance got the BEST out me." I replied sarcastically. I won’t deny the fact that it tasted awesome; but, some things can’t be picture perfect. *sigh*

"Yup, he's alright," said Arthas, my brother, while helping me get up in a standing position. That was when I realized how messy my bed looked and that I unknowingly fell to the floor. Silly me, they must have the time of their lives laughing at me while I was trapped in that nightmare. Curse them! Of course, I never meant that part. 

"Wow," I said clearly surprised, "I must have wiggled too much I presume."

"It looked like someone invisible was tickling your body or how a person full of caffeine would act in their sleep. Still, I'm glad you're okay." Arthas said mockingly.

"Thanks a lot," I said sarcastically.

"No problem," he shrugged as if it was truly nothing.

I just rolled my eyes in response. After all, the thought of getting a fight with him seems childish enough. I remembered that fight we had. I won’t explain HOW it actually happened because that would be too embarrassing for us, especially me actually. It involved an odd number of hotdogs for breakfast, a pretty degrading blackmail, and something about his obsession about “playing” with his booger which actually involves rolling into a ball and sometimes using it as a substitute for clay. I know, talk about gross!

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