Chapter 1 (Rewrite)

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Hello everyone. Amazing that chapter 1 is being rewritten this fast huh, hope you're excited because I know I am.

Hope you enjoy
(Btw I don't own the picture above)


Third Person POV

A man with dark brown almost black and with bandages over his right eye is eating some stew he made and as he's eating he looks over at the small boy resting in a make-shift bed wondering when he'll wake up. Almost on cue the boy jumps up in a sweat wincing from the pain, he begins to look around but before he can get a word out his mouth the man speaks in a calm tone “You should rest, your injuries aren't fully healed. Have some of the stew it'll help your body get better faster”. The boy processed what the man had said he never encountered an adult who didn't tone things down because he was so young. Izuku than nodded and then looked at the bowl mysteriously’ the man sighed and poured the boy a bowl handing it to him “It's hot be careful” Izuku was so hungry he didn't even bother with a spoon he just guzzled it all down ignoring the heat then poured himself more not wanting to disturb the nice man, he continued until he was finally satisfied letting out a soft exhale. The man let a small smile appear on his lips before deciding to get right to the point now that he was awake “You were out for two days so I should be getting you back to your parents, hopefully they aren't too worried” In an instant Izuku's memories came coming back and he placed one hand over his mouth trying not to throw up all the food he just ate, that's when he muttered a statement that caught the man off guard “They're dead, I killed them. I'm so sorry” The man finally spoke after taking in the information he had received “Hey kid just relax, after you've calmed down I'd like to hear why you believe you killed them” Izuku looked at the man and nodded while trying to relax.

After some time to compose himself Izuku began to tell the man about what he did and about his quirk. The man paused and began to wonder if this boy was the real deal. “You said a symbol would appear, do you know what it looked like” Izuku nodded “Mhm I looked at it using a mirror once, I had to actually search up what it was but I think it was called omega” The man looked shocked and began unwrapping the bandages from his eye revealing a red eye with an omega symbol on it whith a huge scar was over it. Izuku smiled “Yea that, are you the other person with Emperor Eye” The man looked confused “I think you've been given miss info kid whoever said that someone else had the power you have lied” Izuku tilted his head “Why would the doctor lie to me about this” The man sighed knowing that he couldn't let the kid go to the authorities now he'd be locked away. “What's your name kid”. The boy simply said his first name, not thinking he deserved to own the name Midoriya after what he did. The man smiled “Well Izuku, my name is Daewi, Daewi Han and I'll tell you about that power of yours” Izuku was all ears curious on what he knew

(This is gonna be a lot of exposition and it's basically just basic lore about this world I hope your ready I'll try not to make it boring even tho it's basically history class and in the next chapter is when this takes off)

The man known as Daewi told Izuku stories of action, adventure, life, death, and much more. He told Izuku the truth about quirks and most importantly he told Izuku about the two quirks he must be most wary of, as you see these quirks are the closest to bp that you can get “One For All and All For One. You see One For All is the combination of quirks and bp, the two powers of the keys found their way to a single host where they stayed dormant until one fateful day that the host’s brother gave him a quirk allowing him to stockpile power, you see his brother thought he was powerless but at that moment the powers of the keys merged with the stockpile quirk and became One For All and has been passed down ever since. Currently the number one hero holds it”. Izuku was memorized “One For All? And All Might has it, and he should be unbeatable if it stockpiles all that power” Daewi got a more serious “No, I mentioned that the first user had a brother well he is the man known as All For One, named after his quirk which grants him the power to steal others quirks and once he has them he can manipulate them to his heart's content. You see his power is a more stable version of a bp known as Tam, it's very destructive and even consumes the user of the power luckily All For One has a stable and more purified version of the power” Izuku thinks hard about the info that he was told, that two old quirks have basically been at a war with each other because one belongs to that of a villain while the other a hero but still one question wondered Izuku's mind. “Mr. Daewi what exactly are you” The man taken back by the small boy’s bold question “Hehe well I guess I did skip over that part a bit but I'm the Jade Emperor a god and you see the power you hold is derived from my powers, you are most likely a descendent of the previous Jade Emperor” Izuku finally connected the dots “So I have bp” Daewi chuckled a bit “You're probably closer to a demi-god based on your power but don't get ahead of yourself the stories I told you were real and gods can die” Izuku nods “Could you tell me an example of bp than” a smile grew on Daewi’s face “I can do more than tell”. Suddenly a blue bear like creature appeared floating and began speaking telepathically “I am Haetae I'm the reason why your injuries have healed quicker than usual, your welcome” Izuku looked at the creature in awe “Oh thank you and um, Mr. Daewi could I ask you something” The man looked at the boy “Just ask it kid” Izuku nods “You said that it'd be dangerous for those like you to be in public so I assume the same goes for me. So sir would you please help train me so I can protect myself from those who want to take my power” Daewi smiles “Of course kid, but only when those injuries are fully healed” Izuku excitedly nods and yawns laying back down to rest. Daewi watches as the boy falls fast asleep. “Don't you think you should've told him the truth about who he really is” Daewi lets out a sigh “No, don't want to put more weight on his mind. Besides me telling him won't change anything” Haetae vanishes while Daewi lays back resting his head.


Hey it's me again I hope you enjoyed it and after reading the older chapter 1 I can tell you I do actually like this one better, there's less action but it looks less thought out. Hope this wasn't too boring for you. I'll tell y'all when the second one has been rewritten

Words: 1281

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