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*moved over from my oneshot book*
*may not keep this here either*

These are all either things my friends and I have said out of context or thing we thought of randomly. If you use these prompts tag me if you can because we'd love to see what you've done with them, but you don't have to of course.


A: *eating ice cream* you know what's also nice and cold?
B: *also eating ice cream* Emos?

A: bOi, I cAn't sEE!

A: *trying to take pano but can't do it straight* I mean it looks pretty straight but I'm sure it's got some kinks in it.

A: I'm so hungry I got to eat something before my stomach eats itself then my body and starts spilling acid everywhere.

A: A Mate is just a yeet you haven't met yet.

A: The day I unironically do a hair flip is also the day I'll probably kill someone.

Teacher: *sees fellow teacher's/friend's child act like Chucky* .... like father like son.

A: *sees anything and everything that's yellow and black* tReNcH

A: *on school trip on bus* *waving at strangers to see who will wave back*
Teacher: Now remember kids, stranger danger
A/B: Well what do you expect? They're just gonna grappling hook onto the bus?!

A: you're pretty
B: ew no
A: pretty gay

A: fandoms are basically cults.

A: *hiding in trash/bin*
B: what are you doing in my house?

A: If you are what you eat then I'm nothing.

A: In what alternate universe would I ever be able to pull off a crop top?!

A: *wearing suggestive clothes* Enjoying the view?????????
B:*not so subtly scans up and down* Are you trying to torture me?

Blind A: I doubt such a gorgeous voice could ever match a face anything less than breathtaking

A: You know when you're having a good day and you can look in the mirror and say "I would date me"?
B: nOpE

A: Wait you, like, like me? Like, like like me in the, like, like like kinda like way?
B: I don't understand anything you just said but...yes?

A: He's not brainless he's just more like the right brain to your left.

A: *keeps using long fancy words*
B: Can you speak English for once in your life?!

A: What the fu-
B: -doodle cake. Fudoodle cake.

A: Peanut butter brisket noodles!

*at sleep over party*
A: I need a pillow
B: Can I be your pillow...?

A: *kisses B*
B: I think I'm gay now
A: Do you...want to- maybe, test your theory?
B: Yes please

A: Why am I jealous. Why the f*ck am I jealous. We're friends nothing more...but do I...want us to be nothing more...? Oh, f*ck I'm gay

A: What do you think of *insert rival ships*
B: They're cute...but they should burn and die and rot in hell. *grins innocently*
A:...I'm guessing you're more into *insert ship with them an their senpai together* then?"
B: *nods enthusiastically*

He let out a laugh...well it was more of an amused huff but still worth celebrating.

A: Almost every girl in school you have either rejected or are drooling over you yet you mope around and wonder why you're single?!
B: What if I'm not into girls?!

*They just had to have a moment to absorb the fact that this was real*

A: I don't have much to lose anymore, sanity included.

A: I will rip your tongue out, blend it, and force feed it to you. Don't worry you won't taste anything


A: Tastes the rainbow!
*skittles rain from above*
B: If you insist...*kisses A*

A: *scoffs* Oh, please, it's practically radiating off of you so much I'm going to get a tumour

A: You make the world around me so colourful

A: *sees frenemy they haven't seen in two years* who is that? Why do they look familiar? They remind me of— wait a minute— oh my gOd it is.


The Gay Contest [short]

A: "I bet I'm gayer than you"
B: "couldn't be gayer than me"
A: "no I am gayer"
B: "you wanna bet?"

*one hour later*

A: "I'm so gay I can't even drink straight!" *sips tea*
B: "That's my mug!"
A: "You aren't gay enough to have the honour of using it!"
B: "Im wearing rainbow underwear right now!"

*one hour later*

A: "I'm so gay I'm the reason our apartment isn't level!"
B: "I'm so gay I'm the reason the earth is tilted!"
A: "I'm so gay I'm the reason the earth is round!"

*one hour later*
B: "Well I'm so gay I brought a rainbow topaz engagement ring instead of boring diamonds!"
A: "..."
B: "...this isn't how I planned the proposal-"
A: "Y E S!!"


My Own Heart Vs Brain [shorts]

*witnesses a sad video*
Heart: *ugly sobbing*
Brain: Why are you upset? This doesn't affect you
Heart: how can I not?! That's terrible! I'm not heartless unlike you!
Brain: you are a heart so technically you don't have a heart however I have a heart because you ARE my heart.
Heart: *existential crisis*
Heart: ...

Brain: how are you smiling you don't have a month
Heart: I give up on you

Heart: *tears*
Brain: *shifty eyes to check to no ones looking* *pats awkwardly*
Heart: since when did you have arms? How are you even reaching me?
Brain: shoooooooooosh stop asking questions you're stealing my job *continues to pet awkwardly*


[}i{] *Virtual Hugs* (}i{)

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