3. A Flicker of Hope

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Marinette had been working in the bakery from six that morning until three in the afternoon

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Marinette had been working in the bakery from six that morning until three in the afternoon. Usually she didn't mind. Some weekends she even volunteered to help her parents out. But today wasn't one of those days.

Five cakes, fifty macaroons and over a dozen cupcakes were ordered for that day, most of which had to be remade before frosting, after ending up on the floor. But it wasn't Marinette's fault. They'd cleaned the kitchen earlier and when she'd been sent to collect the treats the floor had still been wet.

Her parents hadn't been thrilled, despite telling Marinette mistakes do happen, and decided it would be best if she ended her shift early so they could take over. But that had only managed to worsen her mood, because now she had nothing else to do.

Tikki flew up from behind Marinette. "Don't feel bad, Marinette. It could've gone worse."

"You're just saying that because of all the dough I gave you when Dad wasn't looking."

The kwami rubbed her tummy, "Well, it was very thoughtful of you. Surrounded by all those yummy treats, it was starting to get a little hungry." Marinette shook her head and made her way to her desk.

Tikki followed. "But that's not the point. I think it's a wonderful idea that you're working in the bakery. With so much to do it'll help take your mind off everything that's been going on and it doesn't exactly sound like the worst idea in the world."

"I know, I know." Marinette made air-quotations with her fingers, "Better than being akumatized."

But Tikki was wrong. Working there hadn't taken her mind off her problems. It had done the opposite. Not only was her situation a constant reminder of her expulsion, but it also showed her how alone she truly was.

She'd thought her parents would be supportive of her, believe in her and try to do everything in their power to help her prove her innocence. She'd wanted them to help her get her life back on track. But all they'd done was place a chef's hat on her head and string an apron around her neck.

This has all gotten very complicated. Until we've found you a new school...

It's fun here in the bakery, you'll see...

Marinette undid the ribbons tied behind her back and tossed the apron on her chair. She felt Tikki's eyes burning into the back of her head, but she ignored it. She made her way up to her bed and laid down on it, burying her head in her pillow.

She didn't remember coming down from the balcony last night, and when she'd tossed off her blankets the next morning she knew why. Still dressed in her clothes from the previous day, Marinette was both touched and annoyed that he'd thought to bring her inside.

Pictures of Adrien littered the cork board beside her, along with photos of her friends both in and out of school. She thought she could keep that life separate from her life as Ladybug, but being a superhero meant she didn't even have the pleasure to grieve at all she lost.

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