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"Child of Witchcraft" part 2

So Charlie was interrupted by a

The weird part was it kept shifting- like glitching from a tall muscular man to a one-eyed monster.

"W-What is that?!" I nervously asked Charlie.

"A cyclops." He shakily passed something to me. It was a weapon but not just a regular weapon, it was knife. "Save yourself."

"What about you?!"

"I failed my duty to protect you. I was supposed to be brave but I was a coward, I don't deserve you---"

"No!" I said. I've been always aware on how he tend to give me words of encouragement. I wouldn't expect him to be the exact opposite but I tried motivating him, "Look, you've done enough. You are my friend. I still do and I think this is the time where I should do the same for you."

"But you have no idea--"

Before he even managed to finish, I already advanced at the cyclops. I wasn't a fighter but I've always been a fast sprinter.

As I attempt to defend my friend, the guy who've been throwing fire aimed for the creature. I quickly evacuate myself before I became Angie Fried Chicken.

The cyclops banished and turned into dust. Our savior wasn't exactly an old crazy man as I thought.

His height was average, he looks like a 12-year-old. He was dark skinned yet his face was covered with specks, his eyes was dark as his hair. His fashion statement doesn't really suit his looks.

"Are you alright?" He had a heavy accent. Something between Hispanic, American and Asian accent- I got it, it was Filipino accent.

"Look, we've been running away thinking you were an enemy." I didn't mean to complain but I seem like I just did.

"I am sincerely sorry about that." He brushed his hair, "A satyr companion? You must be a demigod or something."

"A demi what?!"

"Demigod." Charlie repeated. "That's what I was about to say earlier."

First, my friend is a half barn animal, then a weird monster attacked us and now I am some sort of mythical person makes it even complicated to process.

"My name's Mac." He added, "Don't worry, you're lucky enough you're with him." He pointed to Charlie.

"Alright, what do you mean with demigod? Am I a semi-mythical person or something?!"

"Perhaps you can say it that way. It means your half God--"

"God, please tell me I'm dreaming.." I mumbled under my breath.

He seemed to hear my murmurs, "I've felt the same way. But we can't change the fact that either your dad or your mom is your Godly parent."

"Alright, so you're telling me one of my parents I've grown up with was not my real parent?!"

"It depends." Charlie started chewing toilet paper (I have no idea where he got that from).

"We have to get going." Mac said.

"How did you manage to stay alive on your own?!"

He looked at Charlie, "Long story short I ran away. I don't want to fill in all the details but my father told me everything about my mom. She was a goddess."

I decided to ask him another nonsensical question, "How did you manage to throw fire at--"

"It wasn't a regular fire." Then he ran away.

I chased him as I hold Charlie, "I thought we're going all together?"

"I have no idea if I--"

"Come on!" Then I dragged him with me.

This is going to be a hell of a ride. I thought. We continued walking to nowhere or whatever Charlie meant with safe place.

"So, who was your mom?!" It was probably a touchy subject to Mac since he shifted uncomfortably.

He still answered anyway, "My mom... She's... Her name was Ne--.."

"You don't have to continue it. If you don't want to."

He seemed to ignore me, "I just can't believe my mom can be that... Vengeful."

"Oh..." Whatever that meant, I think I don't deserve to know about that.

"We have to find transportation." Charlie said as he looked at me expectantly, "Do you have any spare change there?"

"I only have like 1 dollar and I have no idea how would mom and dad felt if they found out I'm missing--.. I feel bad for not informing them that I had to leave."

"Your father was aware about--" He caught himself, "Never mind."

What about my father? I was about to ask but I decided not ask more questions (like I was supposed to do, actually).

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