Chapter 11 - Mint Bubble Gum

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First of all I'd like to say thank you for the 1k reads it means so so much! At first I thought this book wasn't gonna be too popular but earlier on this book was second in #randy and now it has 1k reads... this honestly warms my heart.
So... thank you. For everything. All the votes and kind comments make my day, every time I see someone likes what I do just makes my heart burst from happiness.

I love you guys❤❤

- Andy's POV -

The next day, Rye turned up again. Then the next day again. And the next. And each time he wanted sex. And each time I said yes.
I know, it was bad decision, but I was just unable to look into his eyes and say no. I was unable to turn him down, especially turn sex with him down. He was good, way too good to be turned down.
But one afternoon, I had to.

It was Friday and I was getting ready for the party. I opened the door in my shirt and boxers because I still couldn't decide which trousers I wanted to wear and there he was, standing on my porch.

"Hey. Uh, am I bothering?"
"Actually yes. I'm leaving for a party in a few hours and I really don't have time for that now. I still need to iron this shirt and take a shower and eat something because I'm starving. So do you want something besides my butt?"
He laughed as he walked past me and into the house. I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind him. "Your butt? Are you really too embarassed to say the word 'ass' in front of a man who's fucked it multiple times?"
"Just go Rye." I said, my feelings coming to the surface again from having to say those words.
"Come on, don't tell me you don't have time for a quick round!" he said, coming closer to put his hands on my hips. "I'll just eat you out, how's that?"
"Rye go away." I said again, my voice shaking a bit.
"Why are you trying to hide the fact that you want me badly?"
"Because I don't want to do this now. We don't have time and I don't feel like crying for half an hour after you leave."

Rye pulled away and frowned.
"You do what?"
"I cry. I fucking cry, Rye, every single time. So please leave me alone now, I want to get ready for this party."

Rye nodded and walked back to the front door. I walked him out and to my biggest surprise, when he was standing on the porch again, he turned back and leaned down a little to press a kiss to my lips. It was soft and gentle and I had no idea why he did it.
He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again immediately. He turned on his heels and walked over to his car, got in and left before I could blink.

A few hours later, around 9:30, there was a knock on the door again. But this time, I knew who it was and I jumped up from the sofa to open the door for him.
"Have fun boys!" my mum yelled after us as I walked out of the house.
"Bye mum!" I said before closing the door.

I turned to face Sonny, the hot guy who came there only for me.
"Hi." I greeted.
"Wow. You look so amazing..." he said quietly.
"Do I have a mirror on me?" I joked and he laughed, the sound making me smile as well. He grabbed my hand as well. But not like Rye, no. He actually put his hand in my hand and interlaced our fingers. I blushed deep red.

We started walking because he didn't bring a car and the party was only a few blocks away.
"So... how long have you been out?" I asked.
"Well I told my parents like two years ago and since then people in school just know. But they don't pick on me because I'm a member of the football team and I'm not gay just bi."
"Oh. And why did you want to go with me?"
"Because you're very hot, Andy. Believe it or not you're one of the hottest guys in the school. And I don't only say that because I want to fuck your brains out, even though I do." I laughed hard at that and he pulled me closer to himself, now the hand that was holding my hand was resting on my shoulder. "I think we'd make a great couple, don't you think? I'd be the muscly and you'd be the pretty and smart and funny."
"I don't know... by the end of the night make me believe we'd make a great couple." I smirked and winked at him. He took the challenge without hesitation.

When we got to the party, Sonny got me and himself a cup of beer and we sat down in a quiet corner just to chat and get to know each other a little better. Then we danced and we had so much fun. He was just as bad of a dancer as I was so it was way too funny.
After that, we went to look around the crowd. Sonny said hi to a few people and introduced me as "his beautiful date, Andy." I felt good next to Sonny, like we'd actually make a good couple. But for some reason, I just couldn't stop thinking about Rye and it was very annoying. Especially when Sonny wanted to kiss me and all I could think about was "don't kiss him, he's not Rye, you want to kiss Rye!"

"Is there something wrong?" Sonny asked.
"I just... n-nervous. I've only kissed two people and one of them was my best friend and I don't know if I kiss you then it's gonna be good or-"
He interrupted my rambling with his lips on mine. It was nice, really nice. His lips were soft and moist and he tasted like mint bubble gum. But it wasn't Ryan. It wasn't fucking Ryan and it wasn't as good as Ryan.

When we pulled away, Sonny was smiling widely.
"Did I make you believe we'd make a great couple?" he asked.
"Maybe..." I said with a smile.
"Second date?"
"Maybe." I repeated and began to walk away. I really wanted to go home by then and it was already around the end of the party so I just began walking towards the door.

"Wait. Let me walk you home." he said, catching up with me.
"Okay." I smiled when he interlaced our fingers again. But then my phone buzzed with a text and I pulled it out, checking who it was from. And on the screen Ryan's name popped up.
"Fuck..." I exclaimed when I saw the text that only said "free now?"
"What is it?" Sonny asked and leaned closer to see the text. "Who's Ryan?"
"He's uh... well... I..."
"Your... boyfriend?"
"What? No! No no no no no, he's not my boyfriend. He's just..."
"A fuck buddy?"
"What?!" I literally squealed, my voice a lot higher than I intended it to be.
"So he is."
"No, Sonny listen I-"
"Do you like him?"
"Sonny stop with the twenty questions I'm not playing. Rye's just a friend and I don't like him. Okay?" I lied, but it seemed to calm Sonny down so I didn't regret it.
"Okay. Then tell him you're on a date now so he should leave you alone."
I smirked to myself. He's the jealous type. "I will."

I unlocked my phone and opened the texts. I typed back a simple "nope" and slid it back into my pocket.

A little Sandy, just to mess things up😏😏

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