Chapter 15 - A Date

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- Andy's POV -

"Last night was amazing. Like so amazing. Rye came over and my mum thought he's my boyfriend so we pretended to be boyfriends all afternoon. And we held hands and snuggled and kissed a lot, even before he left. My mum said he's a very good guy and we make a lovely couple."
"And are you like together now?"
"That's the problem Brookie. I have no idea."
"Oh god you two are hopeless..." my best friend sighed and turned to me. "Maybe we could go on a double date this Friday?"
"It's your fifth date Brook. We'd ruin it."
"No you won't. Okay I'll text Harper to set things up with Rye. We gotta figure out a lie because I'm sure Rye wouldn't just go on a date. He's that ultimate fuckboy." Brook pulled out his phone and started typing something.
"Brook really you don't have to-"
"Sssh I'm talking to someone."

Two days later, on Friday, me and Brook went to a restaurant where him and Harper wanted to go alone. The official date idea was a dinner, then ice skating for one last time before they close it and then sleep in a hotel room. Brook said they didn't tell Rye me and him were supposed to sleep in the same room, they'd just say there was an error and we have to share a room. Yes, it was a total forced date and I was scared to see what it was holding for me and Ryan.

After Harper confirmed that they were inside the restaurant, me and Brook walked in and creeped up to the table behind Rye's back.
"So actually I have a surprise for you mate." Harper started.
"Oh I hope it's alcohol." Rye mumbled and I couldn't help but chuckle. It made him turn around and see me.

"No it's actually him. And of course my beautiful boyfriend. Hi baby." Harper stood up and kissed Brook, then they sat down next to each other in their booth.
Rye gave me a simple smile before scooting to the other side of the booth and giving me some space to sit down.
"It was a bit suspicious that there are four plates instead of two but I appreciate the effort." Rye joked and I smiled to myself.

We ordered, then ate our food in quiet. Well sometimes we'd chat, but we were mostly just focused on eating. When we finished, Harper paid for his and Brook's food and Rye paid for his and mine. Like a gentleman.

"Okay we can move onto the next plan." Brook said, standing up from his seat.
"The hotel?" Rye asked, looking at me with dark eyes.
"Nope. We're going ice skating!"
"Oh god this is gonna be bad." Rye mumbled.

We drove there with Harper's car and the boys yet again paid for me and Brook. I started feeling like I was on a real date.
When we got on the ice, Brook and Harper went off to skate together and I was about to ask Rye to come with me when I turned around and saw he didn't move from the entrance at all. He just stood there and gripped the wall.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "Do you feel sick?"
"No, I don't. Just... I can't."
"Can't what?"
"Can't do this. I've never actually tried it and I'm scared..."
"It's okay, everyone's scared on their first time trying something. Come, I'll help you." I reached my hand out and hesitantly, but Rye took it.

I let him go next to the wall and I just helped him along, holding his hand so he wouldn't fall. I showed him a technique how he can actually skate and not just slide along next to me. He was still gripping the wall and my hand so when he tripped over, he didn't actually fall. But he didn't really trip over too often, which was very good.

"You're a professional." I laughed.
"Don't lie." he smiled at me.
"Why didn't you say you've never done it?" I asked.
"Well I didn't want to look like a loser. I mean look at you, you're so good at this. And look at Romeo and Romeo. They seem to bee pretty good too." he said, nodding his head towards Harper and Brook, holding hands while skating.
"But this is only your first time trying this. You're gonna get better."
"Thanks." he said with a gentle smile. "Now come on, show me something cool."

He let go of my hand and instead grabbed the wall with two hands, then turned towards me to wiggle his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes, but I did what I was told and I made a quick lap before I arrived back to him. And when I was about to stop myself, my feet slipped out from under me and I fell on my side, hitting my head on the ice a little bit.

- Rye's POV -

I got so scared I immediately got on my knees in front of the tiny blonde. I pulled him up so he was sitting and hugged him, leaning his head on my shoulder.
"Fuck, Andy this wasn't cool, this was scary!"
"Admit it, it was a little cool." he joked and I couldn't help but chuckle.
"You're an idiot." I said, turning my head to kiss his forehead.
"But I'm your idiot."
"Yes. Mine." I agreed.

"Okay, let's get back up and go a few more laps. How about you come with me this time and hold my hand to make sure I don't fall."
I sighed dramatically just to show him how scared I was, but I said yes, of course. I mean, I couldn't let that happen again, could I?
So we went next to each other like Harper and Brooklyn and for some reason I felt entirely safe. Even though I could've falled any time, I felt safe with him.

"I'm freezing." Andy said, cuddling to my side as we stopped at the entrance to catch our breath.
"Wanna grab a hot tea?" I suggested.
"Sure. There's a coffee machine right outside, I think there will be some tea too. Let me buy you one." he offered.
"Yes. You paid for everything so far. This is only fair. Let me pay for the tea."
"Okay fine, if you want to play the power game then let's play the power game. Right after you." I said and we walked out to the coffee machine in our skaters. We looked ridiculous, but we couldn't take them off so we had to stick to it.

Andy bought both of us a cup of hot tea and we sat down near the entrance to the ice to drink it.
"Thank you for today." he said. "I thought you wouldn't enjoy this."
"I thought the same." I admitted. "But I gotta say, you're different, Fowler. I don't know what did you do to me, but for some reason I'm starting to like things I've never liked before." I leaned in for a kiss and he let me. I put a hand under his chin, just needing to feel him. And his hand touched mine, making shivers go down my spine.
"Get a room fags!" someone yelled.
"Get a life asshole." I said when we pulled away. The guy didn't hear it, but Andy laughed at it so it was worth it.

"Hey boys, wanna leave?" Harper asked as they walked off the ice as well.
"Sure. I'm feeling a bit tired after this." I said and stood up from the bench, Andy following me.

💕💕Surprise double update! Happy Valentine's Day bubs, I hope you'll get lots and lots of love!! Hope you enjoyed the little Randy fluff💕💕

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