Sometimes we screw things up for the better

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The gambit was the death of me

It took away my humanity

The league of assassins made me a killer

When I came home, I vowed to be better

I died and came back twice

The second time turned my heart to ice

It left me with a need to kill

A desire I had to fulfill

I learned to control my blood lust

Only when it became a must

I got recruited by Rip Hunter

To join a team and save the future

The team soon became my family

I will love them for all eternity

We are a group of misfits and outcasts

There is nothing that we cannot get past

My sister's death broke my heart

She was there for me from the start

Rip gave his life to stop a time demon

The team took a vote and elected me captain

Ava and I have been to hell and back together

Every second just made me love her more than ever

Sometimes you screw things up for the better

We are the Legends of tomorrow

And that's our motto

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