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Since Tony was able to solve the problem of moving around in the quantum universe overnight, the next step was to collect the last remaining Avengers. While Rocket set off with Bruce to get the Thunder God from Norway, at the same time the headquarters started planning and building an improved version of the machine that was in Scott's van, the redesign of his Ant-Man suit.

"Have you finally done it?", Tony suddenly wanted to know from Jyn, who then just pulled her eyebrows together and raised her flat hand, whereupon several metal pieces rose into the air and waited for the inventor to mount them, "It's only for the ego. Nothing more."

"Am I you and need this?", but Jyn knew that Tony would continue to insist until she finally did what had long since happened, "Passed, okay, so you can finally shut up."

"You see, it's not that difficult after all", Jyn had never said this either, but Tony had insisted so much that she was even less inclined to say, "Well, how much?"

"Passed", that's all the genius needed to know and it was enough for Jyn, because passed means passed, "Purely theoretically, from now on I could cut people open without anyone being able to do anything for me. Practically, however, I am not allowed to do it and the guy from the medical association was not very enthusiastic that someone would show up without a degree and pass the exam. Besides, I did not even study. Is that subject over now?"

"Yeah, and you know why? It's finally confirmation of what I've been trying to tell you all along. For years", there has been much, very much, what Tony also said about Jyn in the last years, "You can do more and are capable of much more than you always say. You would have a doctorate, purely theoretical, and so Strange would not be inferior for a long time. You both have this magical thing going on now, but he's not a doctor anymore, whereas you're a killer now and have hundreds of your own kind under you. Ergo, you've outdone him. For a simple journalist, that's respectable."

I think it's because Jyn's résumé looked so good on it too. None of it was really of any value and never would be. After all, you've seen what a doctorate is worth after a car accident and your career is over. Absolutely nothing.


Snorting, Jyn closed her eyes after her phone call, began to nod her head in time and the anger came up because she had fervently hoped that someone would finally understand that there is a consequence to everything. Things had improved in recent years, but this behaviour went against the grain.

"Hey," Jyn knocked with the back of her hand against Natasha's upper arm and handed her a note in such a way that none of the others noticed, "He'll be in Tokyo. I just don't know how long he'll be there."

"Who is in... ?", but as soon as Natasha had received the note and taken a look at the coordinates, she broke off, knowing only too well the path the person had taken, "How do you know that? Every time we tracked him down, he was already gone."

"Let's say it's my job to know where certain people are at all times and what they're up to", which wasn't always as easy as Jyn made it sound, since there were people who only half adhered to certain protocols, "Don't ask questions you'd rather not have an answer to. "And prepare for the worst."

If it was at all possible to prepare or be prepared for such things.


There was good news, with good always in the eye of the beholder, but the 'old' team was almost complete. The last person was taken care of by Natasha herself, so it could be called complete.

"What the hell...", Jyn took it away, the tablet almost slipping out of her hand and her mouth gradually opening at the sight of the long-haired man with sunglasses, ".... is that?"

"Our new buff," Rocket, who had just climbed from the metal structure and walked towards Jyn, who had expected to see her in the lab more than half an hour ago, reported, "If you have any alcohol around here, you better hide it. He's lucky he's a god, otherwise he'd be dead already."

"You're not seriously trying to make me believe that this is Thor," it should be clear what Jyn said about 'it can't be changed anymore and finally looks ahead', the thunder god had nothing at all, "He's not capable of anything anymore, let alone use it. That's...."

"..... a buff," Rocket repeated and put on the metal bracelet which Jyn handed him and connected to her tablet, "If you want him to start crying, mention Thanos. It reminds him of his failure and plunges him even deeper into self-pity."

"Wow, you'd think after all these years he would have worked through it," but then Jyn remembered something and a moan took away from her, "I don't cover my tattoos every day because of him. Do I have to be considerate of him?"

"No", that used to be a quick and sure answer that Rocket gave Jyn, which was exactly what she wanted to hear, "He has the attention span of a goldfish, so I don't think he'll be able to read the words of the mad Titan on your body. To him, it'll be two giant blurry blobs."

If it was as bad as Rocket described, Thor would completely rattle through all the tests and trials that Jyn ran on everyone here. It started with a simple blood count and it's going to turn out to be a total disaster. Great, and then there was the self-pitying streak, which she could tolerate even less.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Where stories live. Discover now