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There was no golden glove, but Tony knew how to help. In the run-up to the trip, he had already taken care of it and provided an alternative. A new glove whose basis, how could it be otherwise, was Iron Man technology.

When attaching the stones, one thing became obvious: despite different views, Rocket and Jyn had the same kind of humor. The tension was enormous, so only the most necessary things were spoken and big and jerky movements were avoided. And after the stones had been placed on the red metal, Tony and Bruce held their breath and waited. For Rocket this was the perfect moment to shout 'boom', which caused the two scientists to flinch. Not funny, for Tony and Rocket looked at it sinisterly. Even though it was no laughing matter, Jyn started to laugh involuntarily, which also gave her a scowl from Tony, but she held out a fist to Rocket so that he, with his own, boxed against it.

The all-decisive question might have been more likely. Who puts on the shoe and snaps his fingers? Who can be the one to follow in the footsteps of the mighty Titan and undo the work of Thanos?

To make amends, this might be Thor's true reason why the God of Thunder immediately agreed to do so, and not because he was the strongest Avenger. No one was particularly fond of this idea, since there was no question that Thor was anything but fully sane at the moment. Begging, begging and discussing, at all costs the god wanted to be the one who would undo it. Talking about who was allowed to wear gloves, and sitting here staring at him would not bring anyone back to life, which may be true, but the bundled energy of the infinity stones was so high that continents could be vaporized with them, and thus a clear No for the demigod. In its current state, not a very good choice, no matter that, according to his belief, lightning passed through Thor's veins, whereas for Rhodes, it was probably more a cheese sauce.

"Lightning won't help you, buddy. I got to do it. You saw what the stones did to Thanos. He almost died. None of you could survive this", how could the group know Banner could, "We don't, but that's mostly gamma rays. It's like I was made for it."

"Am I the only one here who's not blind? There is someone", Rocket reported, causing everyone in the group to look at him and the raccoon to turn to Jyn, "The chances of her surviving are much higher. I'm not saying she should do it because she doesn't know the difference between good and evil, but her chances of surviving are much higher."

"What is the lesser of two evils? You see, Scott, as I assured you then. The question is always what is the lesser of two evils", Jyn leaned back against the wall, put the back of her head against it and looked around crookedly, "Losing a friend in the attempt and it might not work in the end, or just me, where nobody knows what I'm going to do with the glove but I survive."

"Fate and the quest from the universe you would call it, right?", it depended on how Bruce put it, looking at the brown-haired woman on the table and just looking at Jyn, "There must have been a reason I survived the accident. Looking at it that way, I would say this is the reason."

"Claiming and knowing it is a difference", until a few hours ago Jyn had also assumed that the soul stone would be her task, but this was not so, "The stones are pure power, which cannot be classified in its entirety, because its potential has never been completely exhausted. The more possible reason why they were separated. We know only one thing, that the human body is not capable and able to survive the power. It is not a matter of surviving, but of surviving it, namely the energy surge to get to the flick. Everything that follows after that, no matter what. Thanos knew after the first use of the stones what the consequences would be and what would happen to the wearer, and yet, he used them a second time, knowing that there was a chance not to survive this time to destroy the stones. One thing he knew. He would be able to flick, but nothing more. Neither Thor, you nor I have any idea if any of us will ever get to flick."

Just put the glove on and snap your fingers, it's unlikely.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Where stories live. Discover now