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There was a plan. Six stones. Three teams. One try.

Note to self. The plan sucked as usual.

The destination for the Vormir team was initially Morag, as was the team that was to get the power stone from there. From there, two teams boarded the Benatar, proceeded to Red Skull and died in the safe. At least for one of them, there was no coming back.

Again and again Jyn threw a furtive glance at the bracelet on her wrist after they had all set the respective place and time, but one look too much made Tony become suspicious. So the inventor immediately grabbed her wrist, took a closer look at the display and set the right parameters.

"What is it about New York and not a discussion you didn't understand", it wasn't the understanding, as Tony believed, but simply the fact that Jyn knew more than this once in her life, "We only have the one try and I don't rely on your word or promise anymore. Because within a second it can happen that you want to go a completely different way. I'd love to leave you here, but that risk is far greater than taking you with me, because that way, someone will always keep an eye on you."

"You wish you could let me go instead of someone else. Besides, it would finally be my chance to leave," Jyn replied in a dull voice, pulled on the suit and breathed out audibly, because she would love to say it, but she couldn't, "Tony, it's not a question of trust, but of not making sacrifices that are avoidable."

It remained, how could it be otherwise, with the no. At least not all of them had finished moving, so they were spared this last attempt to change places.


On top of the metal construction Jyn stood between Tony and Scott, shook her hands and looked up at the ceiling. Even her final exams at university didn't bother her as much then as this moment does now. The difference was, at that time it had been possible to prepare for everything imaginable, but now, it was not possible here, because everything possible could arrive at any time and not everything could be planned in advance.

"Five years ago we lost," Rogers began his speech and Jyn raised her hand to deny it, as Tony did when he said they were all Avengers, but the inventor took her hand down, which was on the way up, "We all did."

"I still like to deny that," you're not supposed to deduce from yourself to others, as Jyn was allowed to point out now and then, "I'm sorry to interrupt you but, if you could...."

"Here we go again", Tony interjected groaningly, because even without Jyn's words, the situation resembled an obscure undertaking, "Come on. Once. Don't always put every word on the gold scale or think that the wording matters. I still love you despite everything, but you don't make it easy for anyone, especially since you lost you as well, and that was more than five years ago."

"We've lost friends. Family. A part of ourselves," as if there hadn't been this little interruption, Rogers continued with his speech as usual, "Today we have the chance to take it all back. You know your teams and your mission. Get the stones, bring them back. Time travel for everyone. No mistakes. No second chances. Most people go to places they know, doesn't mean we know what to expect. Be careful, look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're going to win. Whatever it takes. Good luck."

"Let's get the hell out of here." Rocket was impressed, and being a fan of Captain America, Scott couldn't help but agree.

"Well, you heard it," Tony said to Bruce, who was supposed to start the machine, "Hit the keys of big green."

"You promised. Bringing it back in one piece, right?" were Rocket's last words after Clint had received the shrunken Benatar, and Clint replied with 'yes yes yes okay, I'll do my best', which he didn't like much, "For a promise, that was pretty luschich."

"It'll work out, you'll see. Nothing to worry about", Natasha nodded confidently to Jyn, who hardly noticed it, and then looked around with a smile on her face, "Well, see you soon."

From that point on, there was no turning back. Well, see you in a couple of hours.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part II - Endgame✔Where stories live. Discover now