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I saw Maya leaned against her car, her eyes fixed on the horizontal phone, and I did not have much difficulty in wondering which game she was playing. 

"Madhav, there she is!" I said and dragged him by the arm.

I had to prod Maya to bring her back to our world. 

"Hey," she smiled and gave me a hug then she turned towards Madhav and shook hands, who really wasn't paying much attention to anything except the car.

"Ready?" she asked both of us.

"Born ready," I smirked. 

"Climb right in," she said, holding back an eye-roll.

Maya was taking us to hangout at Hangout. Like, literally.

I hopped into the front seat while my bro climbed into the back one.

"Your brother's gonna feel lonely back there," Maya said but Madhav was quick in his reply, "No, its good." He wanted to oogle over the leather without being humiliated. 

I muttered, "Who feels lonely in the era of phones?"

"If anything, people are getting more lonely and depressed due to phones," Maya said. I eyed her. She shrugged, starting the ignition, "Statistics show."

"Maya, your car is absolutely fabulous," Madhav breathed.

"Thanks mate," the corner of Maya's lips turned up as she peered into the rearview mirror.

We walked into 'Hangout' which, for your information, is the name of a restaurant in our locality.

"We are going to hang out at Hangout," I giggled.

"Hey, I was going to say that," Maya smirked.

We took a table and Maya told us to decide what to have. When our choosing was done, my brother stood up, "I'll place the order."

Maya stood up, "No sir, thanks a lot but I am paying."

Instead of coming up with a reply, as I had expected, Madhav froze, his jaws unhinged.

"Relax and enjoy the meal," Maya said and strode off with her powerful air.

"What happened?" I asked, watching Madhav descend back onto his seat. He shook his head.

Maya came back after a while and the way Madhav stared at Maya just gave me the creeps. Maya gave a cold shoulder and drummed her fingers on the table. The atmosphere grew tense. I was about to break the silence when Madhav beat me to it.

"I know you," he said.

"Of course you do, darling. How's your best friend?" Maya said, tiredly.

"He's a jerk," Madhav spat, "Traitor."

"Trust me, I've experienced that first hand," Maya said.

"Whoa, whoa," I said, "You've lost me."

There was a silence, then Maya said, pinching her forehead with her fingers, "Tell her."

Madhav inhaled slowly, "Samridhi, I had a friend."

"My ex," Maya said. My lips parted.

"Maya warned me that he was no good before breaking up. I ignored. She was right," he licked his lips, "I'm sorry, I thought you were just jealous." 

"It's alright," Maya sighed as the shop-tender waved at us. We brought our meal and dug into our burgers silently. Madhav was not his bubbly self, and I was too heated to speak.

I mean, honestly? My brother's best friend?

Madhav tried to break the ice. They talked about gyming, cars, phones and other stuff I could not participate in which just added to my irritability.

It was getting dark so Maya agreed to drop us home. Madhav and Maya shook hands politely and I abruptly turned around and tried to march away but a hand grabbed on my wrist and before I knew it, I was flushed against an ivory black jacket.

"Where's my goodbye?" she said, her hand tight around my waist.

"Goodbye, now let me go," I replied grumpily, squirming under her grip.

"Baby girl, I know you're angry," she said, her hand tucking away a strand of my hair.

"Glad you noticed," I snarled.

She looked into my eyes wordlessly. She sighed and her grip loosened. I was about to bolt away when Maya said, "Wait."

I turned and raised my eyebrow. She looked at me as if going through an internal struggle. "Don't say goodbye."

I rolled my eyes but she continued, "Say see you soon."

"Whatever," I muttered and walked off without a double take.

"She's so into you," Madhav commented on reaching the threshold.

"What makes you say that?" I asked, curiously.

"It's so obvious. The way she looks at you," he stared dreamily, "I wish someone would look at me like that."

I rolled my eyes. 

The girl She fell for [gxg]Where stories live. Discover now