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I walked out of my tuition and climbed onto my Activa, racing blindly until I reached Maya's place. She was alone at home.

"Where are your parent?" I asked.

"Gone to meet some friends, they're leaving tomorrow you know," she replied, looking at me warily.

At first I could not understand her being on her toes but later I got reminded of our last meeting.

"Stop being so weird," I muttered.

"You still mad at me?" she asked in a small voice.

I sighed, "No."

She let out a deep breath, slowly relaxing herself as we walked into her room.

"How's your brother?" she asked, a little smirk forming at the corner of her lips, "He seems to have a crush on my car."

"Oh he sure has," I shook my head, "Maya, I am sick of this tuition. The teacher only keeps reminding me how utterly hopeless I am."

She frowned, "That's not how you teach students."

"I know," I massaged my temples.

"You can study with me."

"Really?" I said, looking up at her.

She shrugged, "I won't mind."

"I will discuss with my mom," I had barely said those words, when my phone rang with mom's name on the caller id.

I raised my eyebrows and looked at Maya. "Go ahead, talk to her," she said.


"Samridhi!" oops.


"Your teacher told me you ran away from class if you do that again, I swear I am going to take away your Activa. Go to class right now!" I had to pull the phone away from my ear.

"Mom, hear me out," I begun but she cut me.

"Where are you now?"

"Mom, I am at Maya's home..."

"That Maya. Goodness knows what you two do together. Why are you there?"

"Mom, please listen to me!" my voice rose a pitch higher.

"Speak!" she snapped.

"Mom, I hate that teacher. The only thing she does is tell me that I am going to fail. I get demotivated, Mom. I am going to study with Maya from now onwards."

There was a silence on the other side, "Mom, please try to understand."

"Are you really with Maya?" she asked. My heart dropped, she had begun distrusting me.

"Yes, she's with me. You can talk to her if you want..."

"No, no, it's fine," she calmed down, "Just study hard, okay? We have high hopes on you. Come home on time."

I pulled down the phone and looked at Maya, who raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"She says I can stay," I said, my concentration faltering.

"Well, it's a good thing?" she said, giving me a bemused look.

"Yeah, yeah," but how could Mom agree so easily? She was probably in high spirits because of Madhav. 

Maya sighed and plopped into her chair, while I sat on mine.

She watched her phone while I scribbled into my maths notebook. She peeked over from time to time, helping me clearing up my doubts. 

I gazed at her phone, "What are you watching?"

"Football," she muttered, her eyes trained on the screen.


But a part of me craved for her attention. That part decided to get the attention.

I put my notebook on the desk and stood in front of my girlfriend, hands on my hips.

"What?" she muttered distractedly. I snatched the phone from her hand, but she barely had time to give me an outraged look because I sat down on her lap.

"Hey," she chuckled, amused.

"No football while I'm here."

"Baby, it's an important match."

"More important than me?" I asked, turned back to look at her expression.

She grumbled then sighed, "No, baby girl."

"Exactly, be my couch now as I study," I said, pulling my notebook onto my lap.

She sighed but did not complain. She pressed her forehead against my back and draped her arms around my waist.

Her touch turned something on inside me and suddenly I had the urge to say the thing held pending for so long.

Better warm up first.

"Maya, which friend was Madhav talking about?" I asked.

"Didn't he tell you?" she asked.


"Well, he had this friend at school. One night they hung out. Got completely swamped and then, well," she paused, "they got intimate."

"What?" I could not believe my ears.

"Madhav stated he is not gay and his friend promised to keep it a secret, but well, he was not very true to his word."

"And you?" I asked, then realized that it made no sense but Maya somehow got it.

"I had broken up already. I warned Madhav but," I felt her shrug," he did not listen to me."

"Is Madhav gay?" I asked.

Maya thought for a while, "Ask him."

"God, we all are so weird," I said.

"There is nothing weird about it," Maya said, "we all fall in love and do stupid things. It's not weird."

"For instance, what we are doing now," a grin formed on my face, hidden from Maya.


A pause rested calmly in between us.

"Hey, Maya."


"I love you," I said, my hand enveloping hers.

Maya entangled our fingers together, "I know you do." Her pulled me closer so that I could feel her breath at the back of my neck.

"I love you, Maya," the words tasted so sweet on my lips.

"Me too."

"I am going to come out to my parents tonight," I blurted.

"Good luck."

"Honestly, I've had enough of this secret keeping," I muttered, leaning back, the textbook in my lap long forgotten.

"I support you," Maya's muffled voice said.

As the sun shone it's faint beams into the room, I could not help wondering what my parents' reaction would be.

Maya's hands tugged at my stomach, "It's gonna be fine."

I did not know. But all I knew was that I had Maya beside me now. I had my brother waiting for me at home. I had my dreams calling at me from a distance. 

And I had the present right beside me. 

Everything was fine.




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