Notice (Oikawa) trigger warning

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Disclaimer, there are brief mentions of suicide, starving oneself, and rape.

This is inspired by the song "Notice" by Moe Shop.

I walk through the halls of Aoba Johsai, trying to make it to my next class.

"Hey, did you guys hear what happened?" 

"No, what?"

"Hitomi and Kamijou broke up, how lucky is that?"

"You're saying he's free now?"

"He's my man."

"I wouldn't recommend that, apparently he only went out with her to screw her and she got pissed that, that was all he wanted and left him."

"Ooooo. Did she find out before or after?"


"Damnnn ok."

That happened three weeks ago, talk about a short lived rumor. 

I continue walking, hoping he will notice me. I'm so desperate I cut of two inches off my skirt, I'm no better than every other slut in this school.

I'm feeling sick, but I'll have to push through. I'd give anything to get a Crunchwrap supreme right about now, but I can't afford to gain any weight. He doesn't like fat girls.

As I'm walking I see him surrounded by fangirls, Senpai please, notice me.

This is getting out of hand, I want him so fucking bad. I'm scared of what my own love will do to me; if I'm rejected I probably will end up killing myself.  I sigh. It all really hurts.

Senpai please, notice me.

No one told me how to do this, why won't he notice me?

The day is over, and I'm sitting with all the fan girls watching the boys' volleyball practice. I'm the only one with no energy left to cheer.

Senpai please, notice me.

Practice ended a while ago, but it took me a while to be able to get up without gagging. 

On my way back, I put in some headphones—some classical music to calm my mind. Darkness surrounds me but it does not scare me, rather it calms me because it reminds me of sleep.

In the distance, I hear someone calling out.

"Stop! Please!" It sounds like that girl Hitomi.

I'm powerless to stop it, I have barely the energy to continue walking.

The next day at school, the rumors surrounding Hitomi only grew in number.

Today I decided I'd be persistent. I followed him through the school day to see if there was a perfect moment I could confess to him. Sadly, no such time came. 

I walked to the gym to go watch practice again. I walked close to him in the hallway, still keeping my eyes out for a good moment.  

It was only when he stopped and turned around that I truly felt awake. He turned back around not long later and continued walking, but I know he saw me. 

I prayed and prayed he wouldn't figure out what my intentions were. The air of misunderstanding was fading as my breath increased.

I want you to notice me but not like this.

He stopped once again and I knew why. I shut my eyes and prepared for the worst, but it never came.

He kept walking and I let out a sigh of relief.

A few days had passed and I made sure to avoid him so that he didn't see me and confront me.

I want senpai to notice me not hate me.

Despite my efforts, he ended up walking towards me in the hallway. He saw me and recognized me, and my worst fears came true, he came towards me—actually that's only my second worst fear. 

He stopped me and asked my name. 

"L/n f/n." I say timidly, thinking he's already pissed at me.

"Not gonna ask for my name? Oh, I guess you already know huh?" He asks in a teasing manner.

"Uh, yeah." I reply softly.

He leans in closer to me, "and why is that?" He whispers with a smirk.

"Oh, uh, I-I uh, well," I stutter with the blush on my face growing brighter.

"Hehe, I bet you're wondering why I chose to stop you. That's because I've noticed from the beginning that you don't scream and my face and cheer until you've busted a lung, instead you hide  in the back doing little things to try and get my attention. Don't think I haven't noticed how short you cut your skirt~" He teases.

My face has become a literal tomato at this point and I'm unable to form words.

"That blush of your is so cute~ I'd like to see it some more soon~"

With that he leaves to go to his class, and I have to stand there for a few seconds to process what just happened.

Once the day is over, I got to watch his volleyball practice, but this time with energy and a smile on my face. 

He noticed me.

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