Why don't you play anymore? (Kageyama)

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A bit of introduction to get this thing started. 

I go to Karasuno high and I'm a first year. It's been a couple weeks since the year has started; even though I don't want to play on a team again, I still want to be involved, so I ask different girls in my grade if they play volleyball to try and find a lead. 

It seemed like no one in this school even played volleyball and I was starting to lose hope. Just when I was about to quit, I heard a guys voice behind me.

"Um, are you asking about volleyball sign ups? Because those were due before the year started." The voice sounded cold and monotone, and once I turned around, the voice matched the face. He was tall to say the least, and had an irritated look. His presence felt a bit intimidating until I noticed some milk in his hand, and then I felt a bit better.

"Oh, um, no. I was actually wondering if that any of the teams needed help managing or something. I used to play, so I thought I could help out." I respond awkwardly. "Do you play volleyball, or know anything about that?..." My question trails off as I feel unsure of myself.

"I don't know about the girls' team, but I'm on the boys team and I could bring you to our faculty advisor to see." His scowl seemed to soften and he seemed less tense, and his tone and diction became much more polite. 

Ah, he may have just been nervous at first, or he's been having a bad day. Good to see that he isn't a total asshole.


He starts walking and I quickly follow; we walk in silence as he leads me to the gym.

We soon arrive, and a bunch of heads turn in response to the sound of the door opening. The first thing I hear is, "Hey, who's that? Kageyama did you get a girlfriend?" This came from a boy with a shaved head and a very animated expression on his face.

So his name is Kageyama. I feel like I've heard that name somewhere before...

"No, she just wants to know if she can help manage the team. I heard her talking about it in the halls and brought her here."

I hear a new voice behind us and I turn to see who it is. 

"I'm glad there's someone else interested, Kiyoko's been slammed and I'm sure she'd be relieved to have extra help." The person it turned out to be was a teacher. He looked to be in his early to mid thirties, had messy dark-brown hair, and wore glasses—I recognize him to be Takeda-sensei. 

He must be the faculty advisor for the team.

"Oh, y-yeah? Um, so, c-can I join, like as an assistant manager? I'm guessing this "Kiyoko" is your current manger? I ask shyly as I scratch the back of my neck.

"I would say so, but how about I consult Kiyoko first. She might want to interview you first."

"O-oh, yeah, that makes sense." I let out an awkward chuckle as he walks off to go find Kiyoko.

Kageyama has already gone off to warm up, so I'm sort of left to stand there awkwardly until someone shows up.

I hum a little tune as I wait, and end up making eye-contact with Kageyama. Considering the fact that I can barely hold a conversation with someone, making eye-contact is my worst nightmare. So being the massive pussy that I am, I blush and look away. I can feel my face heating up as well as the tips of my ears, however I'm broken out of this state by a soft and mature voice.

"Excuse me, are you the one that wanted to assist in being the manager for the team?" Her presence is calming and it makes me feel a bit better.

"Y-yes, I am." I leave my response short since I don't really know what else to say.

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