Part 1

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Everything sounded like it was next door even though it was right in front of me. I couldn't see anything because my vision was too blurry. Damn, I had too much to drink. I look around and I spotted a figure coming towards me. It seemed like they were saying something to me, but I couldn't hear them. They started to shake me, which just made my headache even worse. "Stop doing that," I growl. The sounds around me start to gradually get louder. My hearing must be getting better. Good.

I can now hear the person in front of me, they're saying my name. "-orie! Lorie! Lorie!" Their features start to come into view. Long black hair, pale-ish skin color, small body frame, thin nose. My friend. "Lorie! Come on get up, we have to go now!" She was now pulling my arm, but I don't know why. Why do we have to go now? I let out a groan remembering why I had agreed earlier to leave at a certain time. My parents. They'd gone out of state for a few days and they're coming back tonight. They told me they would be back around 11:30 pm, maybe 12:00 am. It's 11:05 right now and it takes about 20 minutes to get back home from where we are right now. I force myself up off the couch, grab my stuff, and head outside to my friend's car.

"I'm glad I drove out instead of you. I knew you would've gotten drunk!" she said. "Yeah yeah, whatever." I reclined the chair as far back as I could and closed my eyes. I tried not to fall asleep, but I did anyways. When we got to my house I had to hurry to get in the house and make it seem like I was in bed or at least not intoxicated. It was 11:27 when we got there and thankfully my parents weren't home yet. "Thanks Alicia, I'll see you soon." I said hurrying as fast as I could without falling over. "No problem and please be careful Lorie, I don't want you getting hurt now," she replied worriedly. I closed the car door and speed walked to the front door. I checked down the street to make sure there wasn't a car, that could be my parents, coming up the street.

The coast was clear so I quickly unlocked the door and stepped inside. I ran to my room to place everything in its rightful spot. Then, I went to go take a shower fearing my parents would smell the alcohol on my clothes. I put my smelly clothes in the laundry with other dirty clothes so nothing would smell. I always made sure all evidence was gone, because I deeply fear getting in trouble with my parents. My dad especially. The warm water softly hit my back as I washed myself. It was relaxing, but now I guess a bath would've been more relaxing. For most of the time I just stood there letting the water run, not caring how much of it I wasted. My parents hate when I waste water. I guess my parents would be coming home later than planned, because by the time I got out of the shower and dressed for bed, it was past 12:00.


The next morning was such a drag. I had difficulties getting out of bed and starting my day. I didn't check to see if my parents were home, because they're usually in the kitchen or family room by the time I wake up. I dragged my feet as I walked to the kitchen to get something to eat. I looked up expecting to see the sight of my parents doing their own things, but today they weren't here. I casually shrugged it off. They were probably still in bed, since they got home later than they usually like to. I continued to get myself something to eat. Usually, I don't eat big breakfasts but I decided to have eggs and pancakes this morning. After I had finished making and eating my breakfast, I noticed the time was after 12:00 pm. I found it weird that my parents still weren't up.

I went to their room to check if they were there. Neither of them were in the bed. It looked as if it were untouched for days. I checked the restroom that was attached to their room, but they weren't there. "Mom, dad?" I called walking out of their room. I searched all over the house without a sign of them. I called my parents' phones several times and each time I was to leave a message. Now I started to panic. I didn't know what to do. I thought of calling my relatives, but then what good would they be if none of them knew what happened to my parents. But, I just went ahead and called my closest relatives first.

Before I could get a hold of our phone book we had in our computer desk, my phone rang. The caller ID read 'Auntie Aurora 💝'. I picked up immediately thinking she might know what happened. "Hey Aunt Aurora!" I realized my voice sounded rushed. "Lorie, hun, you need to come to the hospital right away," she sounded frantic. When she said that, my heart skipped a beat and it felt like I was going to throw up. "Is it my parents?" I asked worriedly. "Yes... How did you know?" she asked me. "They never came home last night," I said getting my car keys and satchel. "Oh I'm so sorry hun! But please be here ASAP!" she said. "I'm on my way right now. I have to go, see you soon," I said jumping in my car and starting it.


When I arrived at the hospital, I met my aunt just outside of the double doors. We hugged and exchanged small smiles before walking into the building. She led me to the room my mom was in and told me my dad was in a different room and we would go there next. I was scared to walk in the room my mom was in. Scared of what was waiting for me to see. "I'm right behind you," my aunt said squeezing my shoulder a bit. I gently pushed the door open. I turned to see my mom at the right of me, laying on a hospital bed.

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