Part 3

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His sudden gesture surprised me. Why would a boy, this attractive, volunteer to introduce himself to me? I didn't say anything of it though. It felt like I was starring at his hand for a long time before I actually placed my hand on his and shook it. "Hi Michael, I'm Lorie," I smiled softly at him. "Oh! You mean like Lori from The Walking Dead?" He asked excitedly. "No, my name has an 'E' at the end. So it's L-O-R-I-E." I laughed. "Aw man! I wanted to call you Grimes!" He pouted and crossed his arms. "But we're not even friends, so that wouldn't have had a use anyways," I chuckle. "Weeeell," he turned his head away as he spoke and then suddenly looked back at me with a raised eyebrow, "We are now!" He pulled me to a nearby table and made me sit in a chair.

Shortly after, both our names were called for us to get our drinks. Michael said he would get mine for me. My eyes stuck like glue to him as he got up, and went to get our drinks. The way he jogged a little was so cute, but at the same time he was a little derpy. "Your drink Ma Lady," he said smiling with his bottom lip covered by his upper set of teeth, and placed the cup in front of me. I watched him as he sat back down and took a sip of his drink. His eyes explored the ceiling of the room and all around him. I could tell he was a curious boy. When his eyes met mine, I didn't look away. I usually would, but I decided not to this time. "What?" He laughed. He had the smile of a little boy. When he smiled, his eyes squinted. I couldn't help but smile myself.


Michael and I got along well with each other. After we finished our drinks, we walked to the park and it just went from there. I learned that he's in a band called 5-something-Of-something. I don't remember the name, but it's a bizarre name for a band. When I talked, I could see him looking at me out of the corner of my eye. It seemed as if he was in deep thought of something related to me, but he was very interested in anything I had to say. Michael is very childish and playful. If he wanted to go somewhere, he'd tug my arm in that direction and whine, "Please!" over and over. He was also very touchy, not in an intimate way or anything but it seemed like a trait of his. A lot of the time he would play with my hands or hair. He would also hug me a lot. His hugs are really cuddly-like and soft.

The time we spent together made me forget all the problems in the world. He taught me how to not worry about your issues and just, let go. He even made me forget about my parents being in the hospital. It was nice hanging out with a guy for once. I don't have any guy friends, so he didn't talk about his exes or anything drama related. We decided to go to my house, because it was getting a little cold outside. "So, where are your parents?" His eyes wondered around my room. "Oh, um, I don't really want to talk about that," I said to him. "Oh! Right, sorry I forgot," he said with a small, forgiving, smile. "So, why don't we watch a movie! What do you have? Actually, never mind I'll just choose one," He said.

He got up and rummaged through my drawer of movies until he found one. He brought it to his face to read it, then showed me from where he stood. It read Final Destination. "Alright. I mean, if you think you can handle it," said smirking. He paused as he was about to put the disk in the player. "Oh? You don't think I can watch this?" He said over his shoulder. "No, 'cause you're like a cat," I said with confidence. "Alright. The first one to get scared loses, aaaand... has to get the other person whatever they want," he said to me. I thought about it for a couple seconds. I had already seen this movie a couple times, but I'm not sure if he's seen it. "Have you seen it before?" I asked him. "Yeah, only once though," he replied looking at the back of the box the disk came in. "Deal," I said putting out my hand. He turned around, smiled, and shook my hand.

He put the disk in the player and waited for the movie to start. As he did that, I closed all the blinds because you could still see the sun through the windows a little. I sat down at the edge of my bed with my legs hanging over the edge and my arms behind me to support me. Then, Michael crawled onto the edge and laid himself across my lap. He looked up at me and smiled. When our eyes met, I giggled a little. His eyes were like the color of glaciers. I noticed the light that the TV projected made his hair look a bright red-orange in the front, and faded to a brick red towards the back. I guess it had been a while since he actually saw this movie, because in the beginning his eyes were widened when the boy had a dream of the plane exploding and then it actually did explode. I didn't say anything, because it was funny.

Throughout the movie, whenever you could tell someone was about to die, he would inhale deeply and then jump a little when they actually did die. Again, I didn't say anything of it, I just laughed to myself. Nothing surprised me, 'cause I knew when everything would happen. When the movie ended, Michael lifted himself off my lap, stretched, and leaned towards my face. "You lost," he said smiling and pointing at me. "What? NUH-UH you're the one who kept jumping!" I argued. "I had the hiccups!" He gave me a look that said 'Duh!' and shifted his weight to his right leg. "Yeah, whenever someone died!" I jokingly scoffed. "Don't judge my... Oddly timed hiccups!" He crossed his arms. "You were jumping too!" He said. "I was laughing, because you were jumping," I replied. "Naaah, you were scared," he said squinting his eyes. I didn't feel like arguing with him anymore, because I was getting tired. So, I agreed with him and asked what he wanted. "Hmmm..." He placed his hand under his chin and looked at the ceiling. "A hug!" He turned towards me with open arms and a goofy smile plastered on his face.

"A hug?" I asked. "Come on, you know you wanna hug me," he said wiggling his eyebrows. "More like you wanna hug me," I said as I got up from the bed. Since he was taller than me, my face was against his chest. He had this faint scent of cologne that wasn't strong, but if you were close enough you would be able to smell it. He placed his chin on the top of my head and asked, "Isn't this nice?" And I nodded against his chest. The next thing I know he's running away from me giggling like a little girl saying, "I kissed a girl!"
... Wait what?

A/N: Yo! Sorry this part sucked as much as Abigail Breslin even though it took me 2 days to write. I had to think like really hard for this! Again sorry!

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