Part 5

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I opened my eyes to let sunshine flood them with brightness. I craned my head to look at the time on my clock. In red neon numbers, it said 11:13 am. I stretched out on my bed and yawned. I remembered that I let Michael stay the night. I looked over to the opposite side of the bed and saw him still asleep. He was curled up in a little ball, with his hands between his mid thigh to keep them warm. I knew I couldn't stay in bed all day, so I pulled the covers over his shoulders and got up. I slipped on my blue robe and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I guess I was making too much noise, because I didn't hear Michael come up from behind me. He put his hand in between the crook of my neck and his head on the other. His touch caused my heart to speed up and the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. What we've become in the past 24 hours, amazes me. I've never gotten so comfortable with someone in 1 day. "Can I have some," his voice was raspy and low from sleeping. I lifted the waffle, with Nutella spread, to his mouth. He craned his neck to take a bite of the waffle. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me off the ground. "Michael what are you doing?" I laughed.

He turned around and set me down. He quickly spun back around and pushed me back, by sticking out his butt. "My waffle," he said. His action caught me off guard and I fell onto the floor. When I turned my head around, I saw Michael eating the rest of my waffle, leaning against the counter. I scrambled to my feet to get my waffle back. When he saw me getting to my feet, he hurried to stuff the waffle into his mouth. By the time I got to him, he'd had the entire waffled stuffed in his mouth. "Michael! That was my breakfast," I complained and crossed my arms. "You have more waffles don't you?" He said with his mouth full. "No Michael I don't," I mocked his accent.

After I ate an apple, I heard my phone buzz in my room. I went and checked, it was from my aunt. I remembered that I was kicked out of the hospital, but I'm not sure if they suspended me from going there. I heard Michael in the family room turn the tv on and put on some cartoon. I unlocked my phone to view the message, "Coming to visit around 1 and update you on your parents. You wanna go out to lunch after?" Dammit. That meant Michael would have to go home or something. I don't want my aunt knowing I let some guy, I met yesterday, stay over night. I don't know how he would get home, because he rode with me to my house. I could take him to wherever he was staying right now, but who know how far that could be.


"I could drive you back to wherever you're staying," I suggested. "Oh, ok I guess," the light in his eyes suddenly seemed to vanish. "I mean, if that's okay with you," I said trying to comfort him a little. "No yeah it's fine," he shrugged and looked any place other than me. He turned around and went to my room to retrieve his belongings. The tension in the air felt dense and different when we drove to his house. "So, are you in Cali for tour or something?" I finally asked. "Nah, we decided to move out here because why not," he said. I nodded my head in response. "From Australia right?" I asked. He nodded, "Yep."


After about 45 minutes of silence and occasional talking so he could direct me, we turned down a street with houses on it. I slowed down so I wouldn't pass his house. The houses were fairly large. They were definitely larger than the houses on my street. I mean, my house is a one story house and these are two stories, but I mean width. "You can stop here," he finally spoke up. I pushed on the break pedal so he could get out. "Thanks for letting me stay over night," he gently placed his hand on top of mine and a small smile bloomed on his face. The light that came through the windows made his hair look a neon red and it projected itself onto the ceiling and seat on his side of the care, making it a bright red color. "No problem," I smiled back.

He attached his lanyard to the belt hoop on his left side and unbuckled his seatbelt. "See ya later Grimes," he smirked and climbed out of the car. I just laughed at his remark as he closed the door. I pushed down on the gas pedal and made a U-turn. I waved to him as I drove off. He stood on the sidewalk and waved back. After I drove away, I looked in the mirror and saw he was sill standing there. I checked back a few times before I left the street and every time, he was standing in the same spot. I just shrugged it off and pushed it out of my thoughts.

~ Michael's POV ~

I walked onto the sidewalk and waved to Lorie as she drove away. I watched her small blue car cruise down to the end of the street until it turned the corner and it was out of sight. I decided now was a good time to start walking to my house. It was just across and down the street in front of me. My neighborhood was T-shaped. I quickly crossed the street and walked past several houses before I came to mine. I walked to the front door and put the key in and turned it. I opened the door, letting the smell hit my face and clog my nose and mouth. I stepped in and closed the door, only to be engulfed by the stench. I now dread my decision.

I can't let Lorie know where I live, at least not yet. I dropped to my knees and sat back on my bottom. I pulled at my hair, stressed. I took my hands out of my hair and looked at them to find multiple red hairs in the middle.

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