Chapter 11: Secrets Revealed

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Ron and Harry stop talking to us, but I don't care. What I do care about is Ron's dirty looks and comments. They were getting really annoying really quickly, so now we take refuge in the Common Room. Sometimes to clear my head, I'll take my Firebolt out and just fly around the grounds. It's a bit of a relief when New Year's day is over and the other Gryffindors return. Harry tells Wood that his broom has been confiscated - leaving my name out of it - but Ron rats me out and Wood gives me a long lecture. I attempt to tell him that the safety of Harry is more important than the Quidditch cup and we can't win if Harry is dying of a dark curse, but he won't listen. It's a wonder I'm still on the team at all.

Classes start the next day. It's freezing cold, but during Care of Magical Creatures, Hagrid provides a bonfire full of salamanders, and we collect dry wood and leaves to keep the fire going. During divination, we start palmistry. It's not as fun as the past lessons, and more confusing, but I manage. The worst lesson, though, is Defense Against the Dark Arts. I'm walking to class with Hermione when we see a huge crowd of people outside the door. "What's going on?" I ask Neville, who's practically shaking. "Professor Lupin's brought vampires for today's lesson! There are loads of them! None of us want to go in," he says worriedly. I roll my eyes. "Oh for the love of God. Let's just go in. By the way, I guarantee they can hear you," I say. I, along with Hermione, push past everyone and lead the pack into the classroom, although when I enter, I stop dead in my tracks. Of all the vampires in the world Professor Lupin could have brought to speak, he brought my family.

The moment we enter, everyone looks at us. Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Jasper, Aunt Alice, Mom, Dad, Uncle Edward, Bella, and a child I've only seen in my photo album, never in person. Renesmee. Still, this doesn't stop me from wanting to steal Harry's invisibility cloak. "No, no, no, no, no," I mutter to myself, although I see my dad smirk at me. Then, I feel Hermione tugging on my arm. "Come on," she says. Thankfully, she drags me to a seat at the back of the class. I can feel people looking at me, so I bury my head in the crook of my arm. "I thought you missed your family," Hermione whispers in my ear. "Yeah, but I don't want them showing up in my class," I hiss at her.

After about ten minutes, Professor Lupin starts to speak. "Good afternoon. I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas holidays. I can tell that you've noticed our guests, so I will try to make this quick. Today's lesson is on vampires, vampire hybrids, and children born to vampires -" at that last remark, my heart skips a beat. "Even though this is all in your book, I thought it best if we have guest speakers. Before I start asking questions and letting our guests get on with what they have to say, I believe that there is a coven member missing," he continues. OH CRAP! I scream internally. "Could that missing member please step forward?" he asks. My heart starts to thump rapidly.

I contemplate about pretending I didn't hear him, or even running out of the room. Just do it, Chloe, you're being stupid, I tell myself. The secret was bound to come out eventually. I'm amazed it hasn't already. Fine, I'll come up there, but I get to hold Renesmee, I tell Edward. With a deep breath, I stand up and walk to the front of the room. I can hear whispers from behind me, and stares following me, but I try my hardest to ignore them. My mom is expecting me to hug her, but instead I go straight to Renesmee. She seems like she's a good mix of both Bella and Edward. She has Edward's hair color, but with Bella's texture. She also has Bella's human eyes, which are placed in a pale face with rosy cheeks. She looks like she's years old as opposed to months. Then, I appraise Bella, who's holding her. She looks beautiful. Her hair's fuller and thicker, and she looks like she just stepped off a runway. "Can I hold her please?" I ask Bella sweetly. Bella nods and hands Renesmee to me. Looking at her makes all the voices behind me go away. She's a lot heavier than I was expecting. Her skin is about as hard as a vampire's. Then, I walk over to my mom, and she hugs me tightly, and kisses me on the cheek.

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