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Casey's POV

Morning finally arrived, today was the day I would surprise my best friend, Harvey. I already have this whole thing planned out, mine and his parents are in on it.

I quickly got out of bed, remembering the events of last night. Me and Harvey had the greatest time ever whilst being on the phone, no arguments whatsoever, just the two of us laughing and having a good time. I'm glad we cleared it all up, putting the past behind us and moving on.

Suddenly a bad thought appeared in my head, changing my whole mood rapidly like the weather when it changes.

'What if he gets mad that I didn't tell him I was coming here?' I thought, although we hadn't seen each other for a while, it still came to mind. Maybe he doesn't wanna be surprised. But then another thought popped into my head, maybe he'd be happy, I'm sure he will, he's been going on about how much he wants to see me, same with me about him.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and got ready. I showered because obviously I want to freshen up for him, and because I needed one. After that I got dressed into Harvey's jumper, which I've had for a while, and surprisingly still smells like him, some black leggings and white converse.

"Casey, hurry we need to be there very soon!!" my mother reminded me. "I'm coming!!" I replied, walking downstairs with the hugest grin on my face.

"Aww is my baby excited?" my mom asked happily, hugging me tight. "Of course, I finally get to see him after years of being apart" It's true, I've never been so excited to see anyone in my life, there was one time, ages ago, maybe in like primary school, I had this friend who went a way for a while, (I was friends with Harvey then too) and when she came back I was excited, but not as excited as I am to see Harvey.

Maybe it's because he's more close to me than she was? Nah, who am I kidding? I already admitted I'm in love with him.

"Casey? Hello?" my mom asked, puzzled, waving her hand in my face. I guess I zoned out a bit. "Oh, oh sorry, I was just thinking" I chuckled, feeling the heat rush through my face, I was blushing hard. "Lemme guess, Harvey?" she nudged me, teasing me per usual.

"Yeah, mom I really like him, what if I mess this up?" I asked, worriedly. I can't help but think this could go so wrong. "Listen to me, you won't. You'll do just fine, try not to overthink this, who knows? It could go so right. Please don't stress yourself out about this, he's going to love it, and you're both going to have the best time, okay?" she assured me, that's what I love about my mom, she always knows how to calm me down. Well, of course she does, she's my mother, but we have such a close bond, she's basically my best friend.

I nodded and we headed off. The journey there was full of laughs, teasing of course, jamming to music, all that jazz. It took about an hour to get to our destination.

We set everything up, Harvey was going to be here any minute. I quickly hid behind a tree, peaking occasionally to see if he was there.

'C'mon Harvey, where are you?" I questioned myself, and just as I was thinking that, him and his dad arrived, Paul nodded towards me, shockingly without Harvey noticing, and I slowly walked over.

Harvey still doesn't know I'm here as he's faced the opposite way. Finally, I was stood behind him, going on my tiptoes and reached for his eyes.

"Guess who?" I asked, happily. He spun around and his facial expression was filled with shock, but not the bad type. Obviously he was going to be shocked, but he had a huge smile on his face.

He stood there for what felt like hours, but it was only about 2 minutes. There was silence between us, not the uncomfortable kind of silence though, his dad already left so it was just the two of us.

I interrupted the silence by saying "Are you just going to stand there or-" before I could finish off my question, he engulfed me in a tight, yet comfortable hug, he was so warm, and the hug was filled with so much love, at least on my side, he doesn't love me like that.

I'd be lying if I said there wasn't sparks right now, or that my stomach wasn't bombarded with butterflies, because it was. I never want this feeling to ever go away.

After a few minutes, I reluctantly pulled out of his embrace, searching his face for a reaction, even though I just got one, I still couldn't fully see his reaction to me being here, and he didn't say anything.

As if he read my mind, he finally spoke, and the words he said made me the happiest girl in the world.

"I'm so fucking happy to see you" he had the most genuine smile on his face, and I could just tell he was telling the truth, he was happy, and so was I.

"I'm so happy to see you too, it's been a while" I replied with the same happiness and smile he had.

Today is a day I'll never forget.

*You'll see what she planned in the next chapter*

Sorry for the lack of posts, I'm going to try post more I promise, I've got a lot going on right now, but I will try. Anyways, I really hope you enjoyed this, and if you did, maybe rate it? Only if you want of course, but it'd be much appreciated!!

Hope you all had an amazing day/night!!

*not proofread yet*

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