Chapter 3

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"Where the hell have you been?" Asked a seriously pissed off Ed.

Charlie didn't know why she chose herself to join up with Ed. There's no time to come into one of Samuel's houses which at a glance is pitched black, probably his parents already asleep or is abandon. Whatever Ed wants, she wants to get over it, had many nerves in her body that made her anxious to leave this stupid plan.

"You said after school," said Charlie with a roll of her eyes.

"I meant right after. This is dusk, do you know what that means?" He asked. She shrugs her shoulders, not following along with Ed's joke, and walks over to the house as Charlie follows behind.

Ed stops at the door, ringing the doorbell for the moment before knocking the door, asking anyone home. Nothing response to him and he rings the doorbell again. Nobodies home, so she was ready to leave when they walk around the house to the side door. He kneels down and threw his duffle bag through the doggy door then crawls through inside the dark house and the the door is unlocked. She hesitates to come in; they are breaking into Samuel's home. This isn't necessary.

"This is nuts." She whispers as she closes the door.

He puts the bag down on the wooden floor and opens it to reveal a stack of weapons. Not actually weapons like firearms, they were many stacks of long wooden stakes, all hand crafted by him, four crosses- two were small for a necklace and the others were about the size of your hand, all in different formats and structures but never mistaken as a cross, and then a bottle of clear water which read holy water.

"I really hate to be the one to tell you this," he pulls out a thin wooden stake stained with a charcoal colour, "that guy, your neighbour. He's a vampire."

She barks a small laugh, a wide smile across her face. "My neighbour? Next door?"

He nods. "Jerry? I just met him."

"Okay," he said before peaking towards the dark living room through the kitchen.

"That is a terrible vampire name. Jerry." She laughs. "I didn't name him. I'm just reporting the facts." Said Ed with a glaring face and turns around to head to the living room. Charlie calls to him on how ridiculous this is and quickly follows up to catch him. They were now upstairs, Ed is in a crouch position, looking at every corner of his sight, sneaking through the hallway with his stake up in an stance, waiting for anything to strike. As for Charlie, she walks slowly behind Ed, not being a part of this prank or joke he is making. Unaware to one of the rooms, a dark figures stands there, and Ed jumps and stabs at the figure. The figures shapely head folds over- the figure is a cardboard.

"I feel stupid. It's just a cardboard." He mutters and continues his investigation.

"Nice," she jokes, "they're not here. Let's go."

"Look, Charlie. Listen to me, it's not just them being missing for a random killing. They're missing for a purpose." He suddenly sneaks up the corner of the doorway before flashing out the stake, being like he is about to jump attack, and walks in another room. "Why are you waking like that?" She asked and he ignores. He breathes out and adjusts his glasses.

"Alright, listen. Samuel and I graphed out all the attacks, all the disappearances, why the whole families are gone and why their last names starts with 'B'."

"That happens all the time. Nobody lives in Vegas, they just pass through."

"You live in Vegas," he points and then displays a map of the town of all the houses and streets. "That's you right there in the centre, next to his house and Perry's old place. His windows are completely blacked out."

"Lots of people have blacked out windows," she said annoyingly. "They work on the strip at night, sleep during the day."

"Which is why it's the perfect plan. It fits!"

"What? You think that Jerry's a Dracula?"

Suddenly Ed gets up to her closely, eyes filled in fury. "No, Dracula is one specific vampire. I'm telling you-"

"I know what you're telling me. I'm making fun of you. I'm mocking you."

"Awesome," spat Ed.

"You read way too much Twilight." She joked.

"That's fiction. This is real. He's a real monster, and he's not brooding or lovesick or noble. He's the fucking shark from Jaws. He kills, he feeds, and doesn't stop until everybody around him is dead. I can't believe you think that I ever read Twilight."

Ed enters another room. She didn't enter with him and waits. And she waits another second and calls. "Ed? Ed!"

"You haven't asked him in yet, have you?" He comes back. "Because obviously he can't get in without an invitation. I know you know that."

She rubs her eyes, sighing at him. "You're on drugs."

"No, well... yeah. But I thought you'd take my word on this. I have hard evidence at home."

"Fine, okay."

"Listen. He's going after a family name that starts with the letter 'B', which that includes you. You're another suspect. And the reason he's doing this is because of something in their blood; still not sure what's in the blood and what it can do but it's serious and could end in a bloodbath within the city. It's why we have to stake him in his nest, okay? Me and you. But not now, it's too dark. We should go during the day. That's what I read on Peter Vincent's website."

"The magician on the Fright Night show?" She questioned.

"Yeah," said Ed annoyed.

"The magician in the bandana and the leather pants and tattoos?"

"Yes," he growled. "He's the master of dark forces. He studies vampire methodology. What else do you need?"

"Wow." Charlie had enough of him, giving a dead plan look and he notices it as well, unimpressed at his only companion not into his plan.



"Wow. Can we just pretend for one minute that you're not a complete Dumbo?"

"Ed, this was fun when we were eight."

"Try fourteen." He said.

"Whatever. The point is I grew up. I had to be there for my family and not play stupid fantasy games anymore. If you don't want to, that's fine. But don't get an attitude, beside I'd rather have a life than make up shit."

Ed glares, pissed at Charlie. "I get it. You're so cool, Brock. Go ahead and join your Clark High early peaked, and that includes your family."

"Shut up," her eyes glowed in red fury. Fists clenched into a fist.

"Your guy friends are asshole. We used to make fun of them. Now, you're an asshole as well. Trying to be the noble family member, but you should let them go. Your mom should do the work and your shank sister and that miserable boyfriend of hers are not important-"

"Shut up!"

She releases her anger and pushes him down to the ground, the stake clattered away from his face, and his glasses were knocked off his face. She realized what she had done and seeing Ed giving an hurtful look at her made her regret on her actions. Ed couldn't believe the actions upon Charlie, how she has changed so much that he can't see the old her anymore. The best friend she was is no longer there.

He picks up his glasses, wiping the tears at the corner of his chocolate eyes. "Samuel's gone and you act like you don't give a shit! What the fuck happened to you? We were inseparable."

Charlie sneered and said, "You know when my life started to get better? When I stopped being friends with you."

She turns around and leaves the house. Charlie's breath hitched when she realized he was wiping away his tears as she walks away to go back to her home.

What have I done?

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