Chapter 9

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Charlie never went to sleep, she couldn't. Her brain is fried of being able to have any type of rest she needed, however, she sits in her chair, remembering the terror of last night. Jerry's a vampire, a fucking vampire and she did nothing but watched Doris killed off by the hands of a monsters. She doesn't understand how she managed to escaped his grasps, the strong claws grabbed her wrists and pinned her down in a suggestive, taunting way. Wanting her to wriggle in his grasps, she remembers the feeling of his personal area getting to her body in such uncomfortable feeling that made her sick. Why let her go easily? Maybe he lets her go because her screams could be heard, she doesn't know the answer. What scares her more is what will happen when the sunset is gone and turns to night. Jerry will wait for the opportunity to attack Charlie when she's alone in the dark, clawing at her neck before he devours her or slowly kills her until she begs for mercy to stop. Charlie feels it like a chill up her spine on what Jerry is able to do to her.

Yet it's early morning and she has many hours until dark. She needs to stop him, maybe kill him as possible. She's exposed him, and if she tells everyone about Jerry being a vampire she'll be a joke, laughing at her being ridiculous. She's alone, helpless to make her mom, sister, and Lucas to believe her and get away from Jerry. He's going to kill them all- no, he will defiantly kill Charlie first. She needs to figure how to stop or slow down Jerry before he lays a hand on her family and before they suddenly invite him to their house.

Right on cue the door opens. "Hey, you're gonna be late," said Jane. Her face scrunches at her room, all gloomy and dark, the blinds closed. "God, it's like living with a vampire or something. Did you even sleep at all?" She opens the bliss to let light in.

Charlie squints her eyes, blinding at the light. She takes her hoodie off and rubs her eyes against them to wake herself up. "Mom, that guy Jerry, next door. Under no circumstances is he invited into our house, all right? He's dangerous."

She rashes through her drawer to change clothes- skinny jeans, a grey tank top with a blue and grey plaid shirt.

Jane scoffed at Charlie's talk, she chuckles a little. "I think I can handle myself."

"Mom, please. I'm serious," she pleads, hoping her mom would understand. She grabs her backpack and stuffs a note pad with pencils. "Don't acknowledge him. Don't talk to him and at night, please stay inside."

Rolling her eyes, she said, "Why? Because he's dangerous?"

"Look, I can't answer a million questions right now," she said in frustration. "Will you just trust me?"

"Charlie, stop! I'm your mom, not some ridiculous woman."

Charlie couldn't say anything anymore. She needs to get out of the room. "I'm sorry. I can't do this right now. I can't answer a million things right now."

"I don't understand, Charlie-"

Charlie leaves the house and drives off on the motorcycle.

She has a plan for the whole day and decided to skip class for the morning since it's only gym and gym isn't her concern right now. And she avoided the boys Mark and Allen, catcalling her before cursing at her ignorance. She flipped them off as she heads to the library.

For an hour, she searched the Internet for valid research of legends, historical readings and written texts of the mythology of vampires. The searching was so tedious, all giving out random fandoms or fanfictions, weird goths in the Internet writing their own theory about vampires. She started to proceed on writing notes on her own research, remembering movies and books about vampires, how they hate sunlight, repelling anything to do with The Lord of Jesus Christ, maybe garlic was another theory.

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