Chapter 7

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Sunset sets and is getting pretty dark as Charlie comes home. She walked in a wary sense, looking behind her then staring at Jerry's house. She's in a bundle of nerves, afraid of what Jerry truly is. Serial killer is a believable explanation than vampires, but it scares her how she was in his garage and did not take her inside his house and plot to kidnap her. Maybe she's being paranoid about this, that its nothing and Jerry is a normal guy. She grabs the empty garage can back to the gates, going to go back to her house through the kitchen door.

And just seconds after Jerry approached In front of her by the gates like he appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey girl," Jerry said with a deep voice, wearing his usual dark shirt and blue jeans. That stupid shirt that showed off his stupidly muscley arms, which he was currently using to lean against the doorframe in a stupidly sexy pose and a stalker dominance pose.

She jumped a little at his appearance.

Shit, shit shit. What the hell did he want? To talk to Charlie's mom?

No, she wasn't even home right now. Gone on some girl's night with her friends or something.

Did Jerry want to talk to her? She felt her sweat building at the thought of that.

Either way, it would be worth her time to figure out what the guy wanted. And if he came into the house without being invited, he probably wasn't a vampire, right? That would totally disprove her theory.

Come on, Charlie, focus! Maintain your cool when he's not maybe going to kill you for finding something secretive about him.

"Hey, guy... what's up?" She asked calmly, trying to mimic Jerry's nonchalant demeanor. Which was easier said than done, considering she was feeling incredibly chalant right now.

She noticed Jerry's eyes flick over her body, which made the flush return to her cheeks. "I was thinking you could help me out," he said, the words smooth as honey as they left his lips.

"Yeah, sure, what do you need?"

"You got any beer?" he asked and smiled, his teeth supernaturally straight and white. "I've got a girl coming over soon and I'm fresh out."

"It's... sucks."

"Set me up. I'll pay you back two times. A sixer for your mom, and two for your sister and you. What do you say?"

"Yeah, let me do that... R-right now. I'll go right now and checks what we got in the fridge." She said and heads to the kitchen door and enters. Jerry followed her behind, tailing behind her but then he stayed outside, maybe for the courtesy that Jerry was polite to my enter without invitation or maybe her theory was right. Either way, she rather not let him inside. Charlie knew exactly where the beer was, of course. Her mom usually kept a six pack on hand for guests. Not that they had guests particularly often, but it was better to have it than not.

"Let's see what Mom's got. She's kind of a 'light domestic' mom." She opened up the door to the fridge, grabbing the left over beer to the box. Every second she kept her eyes on Jerry. He investigates the kitchen, admiring the place. "Nice kitchen. Good cabinet work. You did those?" He pointed out the cabinets.

She nodded. "Uh, y-yeah, I did those. Needed new ones. You cool with Budweiser?"

He smiled and nodded. "Yeah, that works." He leans against the door jamb, but doesn't cross the threshold.

She grabs the two beer to put in the box, and she looks back at Jerry and his dark eyes meet quickly, smiling coldly. Then the beer fell when she misses it to put it in the box, glass shatters the floor and beer spilled all over her shoes.

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