Chapter 16

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"Sorry to burst your bubble, Lucas. But the museum part is a public place. You don't need an invitation." He mocks. "Oh, where's Mr. Vincent? I have a package delivery for him. Not here, too bad."

Charlie stares at Ed for a long time. He looked like Ed, except there's difference about him, making him more imitating. Ed's pure pale, lifeless body in his arms, his once chocolate eyes are now a sclera black. The way he stands is confidence, feels power coursing through him like none of his other feedings have ever made him feel before. She sees him like he's power-tripping on some serious teenage angst, and it hurts her. It's all her fault she let Jerry turn him. If only she'd listened to him and had the chance to save him.

A cellphone rings. "One second, guys. Business call." He answers the phone. "Hello. Oh, yeah. No, I'm looking at them right now. Yeah, come on up. Don't worry, I won't hurt the girls."

He ends the calls. "He's actually quite modern. Jerry dispensed with all that "master" stuff.

She comes up to Ed and peacefully confronts him. "Look, Ed, if you have a problem, just keep it with me, okay?" She almost sobs but shuts her mouth closed, taking small breaths. Lucas backed to one of the drawers behind him to grab a long sword that's stained in holy water.

"Oh, do I got a problem. You let him get to me. You let him turn me into this." He growls and his fangs protruded out sharply, the blue veins pumped near his neck and forehead. "I was like a fucking drained Capri Sun sachet. How do you expect me to feel, you fucking douche?"

In an instance, Lucas runs towards him, sword poise in both hands. "Oh, no you don't," Ed said, and the sword slices downward. The slice bites the air; Ed pushes his wrist away and smiled at how weak the human is. But it distracts him when he swings the sword in a circle by the joint of his wrist, pushing his other hand on the cold chest and the sword digs right through Ed's arm, amputating the arm.

Ed screams as Lucas takes Jamie's hand and they run away from him. He grunts the burning in his cut off arm, inspecting the blood squirting a load out of him and clearly seeing his bone sticking out. "Holy shit!" He exclaimed and snarled. "Hey, you took my arm. Did you enjoy your little cut and slice before you ran away, blackface fuck? God, I love it!"

They ran towards the elevator and saw the button broken, wires snapped off with sparks flaring. "Jamie, go to the stairs, now," Charlie demands.

"No, I'm not leaving the both of you." She cried out.

"Jerry's almost on his way. Go to the stairs to escape. Lucas and I will stop Ed. Trust me."

"I'm waiting for you down those stairs. I'm not leaving you behind."

She exhales through her flared nose. "Okay. Hey, we're going to fine. Go, now." She flees to the other part of the museum, took one last glance and left.

"Give it up, Chuck." His voices echo the room. They looked around; they have many weapons so they are not worried to defend themselves. It's more on hiding from Ed, she rather hide than fight him. Not because he's an indestructible machine with stone bones and great muscle strength, she can't make a move to hit him. Hurt him. Or kill him.

She then pulls Lucas's shirt to hide behind the glass shelf, backs sliding against the freezing wall.

"If you hadn't turned out to be such a dick, I might have tricked you out." He slithered in the hallway, blood dripping on the cut arm, using his senses to find Charlie and Lucas. "We could have rocked this evil shit together!"

He continued to more cautious in a predator glide, taunting them. "I expected more of a fight from you, Lucas. Girl's made you lazy in the head. That's how I felt once. Pussy will do that."

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