Chapter 13

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Lucas waited outside as the nurses work on Jane whose laying unconscious in the bed with wrapping around her head. The doctors says she has a concussion, reporting to them that she will feel dizzy and nauseated once she wakes up. The question was when she'll wake up and the doctor explains in honesty that she will eventually wake up tomorrow morning, yet Lucas see's the expression on Charlie's face, grief filled her eyes, thinking about dreadful thoughts of her mother not waking up.

She was pulled away by two officers who were by the doors of the hospital and asked questions. He wonders what will Charlie say to them, tell them the entire truth of Jerry being a monster who attacked them all the way down the road, trailing behind them every minute. He realized his phone kept getting messages of his mother and he needs to call her, to calm her that he's fine when he's entirely the opposite.

He phoned his mother, lying that he's staying at the night with one of Jamie's friends house. He holds back the quiver in his voice, shaken from the events on the road when he said he's fine. He stops, knowing he has to be there for Jamie and not break down into a scared fit. He finishes his call, saying his love to his mother and ends the call.

The officers let Charlie go and proceed to exit the level.

"They only asked a couple of questions. I said it was an car accident and the driver left. We should be okay."

"I don't know," said Jamie. "I think maybe you should've said something to the police."

She shook her head. "Like what? 'This vampire moved in, borrowed a six-pack of Bud, ate a stripper and blew up out house because we wouldn't invite him inside.' Last time I called the cops, they nearly all went to Chili's together."

Jamie shook her head and had nothing more to say, no more ideas. She says, "Okay."

They take a seat outside the room, Charlie's leg jumped in anxiety, hands rubbing against each other. Lucas couldn't blame her, he's loosing it as well. But there was something here that he sensed he needed to know before this went any further. The way Charlie had tensed when he touched her intimately had sparked a cold, suspicious dread to life in his heart.

Charlie struggled to find the words and faltered. "This is my fault," she mutters.

"You didn't make any of it happen," remorse Jamie.

"Ed came to me, and I turned my back on him."

"How were you supposed to believe him?"

"I mean, he begged me. I mean, he really... and he was my best friend."

"I know, but, Charlie, people- they change."

"Yeah, and I just changed into a dick. Not just Ed, but to Lucas. You. I can't handle it, and thought if I act more of the person, the man in the house, you would come back to me. But now, I feel like I'm like dad. Being an asshole to anyone who doesn't like him and bites them away."

"Charlie," she says and wrapped her arm tightly around Charlie's shoulder and pulled her in closer. "Listen to me, you haven't changed. You always been the cool but dweeby girl. We made a pack to protect each other and you took it personally. It's not your fault to be overprotective. I mean, we're still alive."

Charlie leaned into her warmth with a grateful sigh. "Yeah, but I led Lucas into this mess as well."

He chuckles. "Sure, you're right Charlie. It's not my fight. I'm scared for my life right now. But I can't abandon you both. If I bail on you, I'll feel guilty. Letting you die while I walk away, it'll haunt me for the rest of my life. You're like family to me. So, I have no choice but to help you Charlie. You told directly, gave me something to promise. To protect your sister no matter and I keep my promises. And Charlie, it's okay to be different. Those guys Mark and Allen, they're nothing. But you, you're different. You did this with no problem."

She smiles in reassurance. "Thanks. Though, I did have some problems man. Got myself almost killed, crashed into a car. Yeah, no problem."

Charlie smothered a laugh and wrapped her arms around Jamie's neck, pulling her close to a hug. She chuckles as well and Lucas gave a heart-warming chuckle as well, laughing at what a long night it became. As the laughter stopped, Charlie shifted her eyes away, was finding something hard to think as Jamie's gaze burned into her. His first instinct was to insist that the Charlie wanted to drop it, but something in her compelled her to speak. "What's wrong?" She asked and gave a puzzled look.

"Jerry said you and me have something he needs."

"Needs?" Quirking an eyebrow, Lucas huffs a chuckles. "It's your blood, if that's what you're thinking."

"Exactly. One of our bloods is important to him. He said one taste of one of us has something he needs, whatever it is." She pulls her phone out, scanning the album to search for the photo of the notes. "Here, this word. Sanguinem Immortalem. Whatever this it, one of us has it. It's why he has been searching up records of people, why me and Jamie were in the list."

"The question is what do we have that's important and why?" Asked Jamie.

Jamie's question are good. Lucas thinks hard as to why and can't come up with anything. They both stare at Charlie as her thoughts elaborate a plan to find out those questions when her eyes brighten and Lucas draws himself in to hear what Charlie is about to explain to them.

"Well, there's only one to find out. We go the vampire expert, Peter Vincent." She stands up and rushes in the room.

"Peter Vincent?" Lucas asked.

"We're going to see the Peter Vincent?"

She finishes on hanging the crosses on the glass and door. "It's underwhelming, but he's what we've got. And he might be the only one to find out the answers."

The nurse comes and she sees appealed by the arrays of crosses all over the window, unsure what to make of this.

"Uh, sorry. Mrs. Brock is very religious," said Lucas in an weak voice, cringing at his lie.

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