thirteen: Home

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"Vi, wake up!" I heard being shouted in my ear. "Vi, come on! I need help."

My eyes snapped open, "Rocket?!" 

"I can't breathe. I can't breathe!" Rocket said in a panic as I tried to get my system to reboot. "I can't breathe."

"I can't move!" I said in a panic, the suit was offline. A basically not doing me any good. "Steve? Uncle Tony."

"They're not here, kid," I heard Bruce strain to say. "You guys need to get out of here."

"I can't move," I said. 

"Canopy. Canopy. Canopy," I heard Rhodey say, "Vi, I need to get Rocket out. He's closer."

"Okay," I said as I tried not to panic. 

"Rhodey, Rocket, Vi, get outta here!" Bruce said. 

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" I heard Rocket say, and then some water rushed in and flipped me over, it stopped after that first wave, but I knew more would be coming. "Come on!"

"Rhodey!" Bruce warned, and then I heard the sound of rushing water that was going to drown me if I couldn't get flipped over. 

"Rocket, help Vi!" Rhodey ordered, and a moment later I felt a familiar panda on me. 

"Vi, how do I get this thing off of you?" Rocket asked.

"Tap my left wrist," I ground out.

"That's it?" Rocket asked, and then the suit wrapped itself back in the bracelet. I gasped as I sat up, sputtering out water. "You should have a better emergency scenario system."

"I haven't worked out all of the glitches," I said bitterly as I looked around. 

"Mayday, mayday! Does anybody copy?" Rhodey asked on the comms. "We're in the lower level, it's flooding!"

"We're drowning! Does anybody copy?" I asked. 

"Mayday!" Rhodey repeated. 

"How to we get out of here?" I asked looking around. "Maybe we can crawl up."

"I don't think I can do that, Vi," Rhodey said as I started swimming around, trying to find a way out. 

"When this place fills up with water, we should be able to swim out the way it's coming in," I said. "Or I could reboot the suits."

"This will crush us first," Bruce said as he continued to hold up the giant metal beam above our heads. 

"Maybe there's a place where Rocket can crawl through, find me what I need in the rubble, and we can blast our way out," I said desperately. 

"Vi, there isn't enough time for that," Rocket said gently.

I tapped on the bracelet, but it wasn't working, "damn it," I swore. "I just need something to jump-start it, an electric shock. Once I do that, I can fix Rhodey's suit. We can blast out, with two Iron suits working on it, we won't bring this whole thing down on us."

"Violet," Rhodey said gently.

"I'm not giving up!" I shouted at him as we started to reach the ceiling with the amount of water that was coming in. "I finally got my family back, I won't give up."

"Vi," Rocket said gently. "It'll be okay." 

"Trust us, kid," Bruce said. 

"But," I said as I tried to bite back tears. 

"You need to try to swim out," Rhodey told me.

"I'm not leaving you guys," I said angrily.

"Vi," Rhodey said. "Unless help comes, I'm not getting out."

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