Chapter 12 : Is this a sick joke?

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At the race

"Are you sure one hundred percent of this?", Luke asks me for the 15th time today.
"Yes, I am sure. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. And stop being scared. I'll be fine", I say.
"I know. I'm just worried that's all"
"What's the worse thing that can happen to me anyway?"
"I don't want to know"

"The race should be starting any minute by now", I hear Damien behind me.
"Okay. Here we go boys. Wish me luck", I say and I get in the car.

I took the car until the start line.
On my right was a Mustang '69, but I couldn't see the driver because of the black windows. Literally black. It's a beautiful car though. I've always liked it, but this time I race against it.

We have 2 beautiful cars. SRT Demon and Mustang' 69. Same class, same American power. The winner gets in the final race.
Turn on the engines and get ready in 1...2...3....GO!

The Mustang was fast, but not enough. I changed the gear and now I was in front of it. With a last changing of gear, I crossed the finish line.

And the SRT Demon wins!

Wait, what? I won?

I took the car to the start and I got out of it. I looked after the Mustang but it dissappeared. So strange.

"Alex!", I hear May. She hugged me hard. "You won"
"I-I have no words", I say overwhelmed.
"Girl, you're amazing", Damien says and he gives me a hug.
"Oh stop it", I say. Eli and Ryan do the same. Then Luke shows up from nowhere and he gives me a bear hug.
"Thank God, you're safe", he said in a lower voice.
"I told you I'll be fine", I say with a smile.

Then I hear a phone ringing. It was Luke's phone. He frowned at the screen.

"Guys, we're meeting Rodriguez's boss tonight", Luke says.
"What was written in the the message?", I ask.
"It's an address"
"Then let's go", Damien adds.
"It's Alex's address"
"What?!", I ask confused.
"I'm not kidding", Luke answers.
"I don't understand"
"Neither do I and I want to find out who is it", Luke says and he jumps in the car. Then I and Elijah. Damien remained with May and Ryan.
Because the streets were empty we could speed up on the road.

2 hours later we arrived in front of my house. I stopped the engine and my hands remained on the steering wheel shaking. Luke put his hand on mine. Almost immediately I calmed down.
"Everything is going to be alright. We're here with you"
"I hope so. Thank you"

We got out of the car, and made our way to the front door. I opened it and stepped in the living room.
Damien turned on the lights and I couldn't believe my eyes who were standing in front of me.

"Mom? Dad?", I asked shocked. "Is this a sick joke?", I asked with a shock in my voice. Tears were forming in my eyes threatening to fall down but I managed not to cry.

"Alex is not what-", my mom says but I cut her off.
"-looks like? Do you think that I'm fucking stupid? For how long you're doing this?"
"Since you've been in high school", my dad answers.
"You lied to me all these years?"
"We had no choice"
"Oh, and the only choice left was to keep this hidden from me? You know what? Do whatever the hell you want, but right now I don't want to see you in my face", I say and I get out of the house and I jump in the Demon driving away.

Luke's P.O.V

"I'm going to get Alex"
"She needs to be alone", her mom says.
"Are you fucking insane? She needs someone right now. Until I get back with her, you better explain to my friends the real reason why are you in this business"
"And if we don't?", her dad asks. He's trying to push my buttons.
"Then if Alex happens something, I'm blaming on you", I barked and I got out of the house jumping in the car left.

I stayed a little bit in the car with my head on the wheeling steer, thinking where Alex can be right now.
Only a place is in my mind. The hill.

I turned on the engine and I drove to the hill.

Maya's P.O.V

"Please tell me that it's just a dream. What about my parents?", I ask.
"Your parents are in the same business as us. We're partners", Mr. Erik, Alexis' dad says.

I couldn't believe my ears. All these years me and Alex have been lied to. What did we do to deserve this?

"I need to sit down", I say and I make my way to the couch.
Damien comes beside me and he takes my hand in his hand.
"Everything is going to be okay. I'm here"

Alexis's P.O.V

I was standing on the Demon's hood crying my eyes out. I can't believe. My parents in this kind of business. This is why I couldn't get my parents back? I hear an engine behind me, but I don't bother to turn around and see who is it.

"Thank God I found you here", I hear Luke's voice.
"Go away Luke. I want to be alone"
"I'm not going away. Besides that you're lying", he says and I hear his steps coming closer.
"Luke, I'm serious. Go away!"
"Or what? You're going to kick me in the balls with a wrench? I'm not letting you alone, Alex", he says and he pulls me in his embrace.
"Because you don't deserve this right in this moment"
"Then what I do deserve? To be lied to? To be heartbroken by ny own parents?", I say breaking down once more in front of Luke.
"Come on Alex. Let's get you home"
"No", I say and I get out of his embrace. "I'm not going in the house with those liars"
"At least come at my place. I don't want anything to happen with you", he says.

I guess this is the choice that I have left.

"Fine, I'll come with you", I say.
"Good, now wipe those tears away. I need you to have a clear vision of the road", he says sipping my tears away.

I would be lying if I said that I didn't like how warm his hands were. I think I'm falling, but I don't want to.

After the moment between us, we jumped in the cars, driving away to his home.

3 hours later, we arrived in front of his house.
It was a beautiful one, with a fountain in the front. It made me feel loved here, but I don't know why.

We left the cars in front, and entered in the house.

Elijah and Ryan were sitting in the living room watching TV.
When they saw me, they got up and gave me a hug.

"May is with Damien, right?", I ask.
"Yeah, they're upstairs. Turns out that May's parents are partners with yours", Ryan says.

"I don't want to hear of them right now, I am sorry. I just want to sleep", I say.
"Come on Alex, I will show you your room for tonight", Luke says.

We went upstairs and he motions me to a simple room, but quite comfortable.
"You have a bathroom there, and now I'll bring some clothes of mine, if you don't mind", he says screeching his neck.
"Thank you", I say.

He leaves me alone for a few minutes, then he comes back with a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.

"Sweet dreams, Alex", he says.
"Sweet dreams to you too", I say.

I strip out of the clothes, and I go to the bathroom, where I take a shower, then I tuck myself in the bed.

I was too tired to fight my own thoughts, and the only option that I had was to let myself falling in a deep sleep.

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