Chapter 13 : Oh, did they?

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Next day

Luke's P.O.V

I was enjoying my coffee with the guys and we were talking about what they found out last night.

"They said that they were under pressure and that's why they did it", Damien says.
"I feel bad for the girls. They don't deserve this", Ryan adds.
"You're right. We need to be beside them", I say.
"You really care about Alex, don't you?", Elijah smirks.
"A little bit", I admit.
"Bro, you should see yourself in the mirror", Ryan says.
"Why the hell should I do that?"
"Because is all over on your face that you're in love with her", Damien says.

I wanted to add something else, but I heard Alex's voice and I stopped.

"Morning guys", she says with a sleepy voice. She looks so cute with a large T-shirt of mine and the shorts.
"Morning Alex. How are you feeling?", Damien asks.
"A little better, I guess. I don't know though. May wants to see you", she answers.
"Sure", he says and he leaves the kitchen.
"Me and Ryan will go at the store to get some snacks", Elijah says and he leaves with Ryan.

They are doing this on purpose.

"You want some coffee?", I ask Alex.
"Yeah, thank you"

I got up from the table to pour some coffee in a mug and when I turned to Alex to hand her the mug, she wrapped her hands around my torso.
Her small body felt so good against mine.

"Thank you again, for not letting me alone last night on the hill", she says hugging me tight.

A smile appears on my lips.

"You don't have to thank me. I care about you", I say the last part in a whisper.

She sat down at the table and I hand her the mug which she gladly accepted and she took a sip.

"So what are you going to do today?", I ask.
"I have to go at the garage to clean it up. I left a mess and I don't like it", she answers.
"Can I come with you?"
"If you want"

At the garage

Alex's P.O.V

I don't understand why Luke wanted to come with me. It's not like I can't protect myself.
While I was cleaning the wrenches, I heard steps in the garage. I made my way to the sound, and Luke followed me. And hell on me if I was expecting that person.

"Oh, señor Luke. What are you doing here?", Rodriguez asks.
"I could ask you the same thing", Luke says.
"I just wanted to come and make business with the girl", Rodriguez answers.
"What makes you think that I will accept?", I ask.
"Money, chica, lots of money"
"Well, no, thank you. Now out of the garage", I say.
"Are you sure, miss Carter? You may regret it later"
"Get the fuck out, before I'll do it myself", I say and I take a wrench in my hand.
"No need to do violence, miss Carter. But trust me, you'll regret it later", he says and he leaves.
"From now you'll be a wanted mechanic, Alex", Luke says.
"Everyone else can fuck off and leave me the fuck alone", I say.
"Stop being so stubborn and start realizing that you'll be wanted Alex. Everyone will want you as a personal mechanic"
"Too bad. They will not have me. Now let's finish cleaning", I say and I am returning to the wrenches left to be cleaned up.

At Luke's house, couple of hours later

Still Alex's P.O.V

"For fucks sake Alex! You need someone with you at the garage!", Luke shouts.

Who the fuck he thinks he is?

"No, I don't need anyone. I am fine by myself", I say.
"Guys, stop fighting", I hear Damien.
"I'll stop only if he stops", I say in my defense.
"Seriously?", Luke asks.
"From what I remember, like 5 seconds ago I wasn't the one who was screaming in the living room", I say and I hear Damien face palming.
"You two are worse than Tom and Jerry. I swear to God"
"I am done. But I don't speak in his name though", I say in my defense.
"I didn't know that you'll be my lawyer now", Luke says.
"If I would be a lawyer, I would do anything to make you shut up by bringing arguments", I say rolling my eyes.
"You should stop doing that. It looks like you're looking for something"
"Yeah, I am looking for your opinion. And I didn't find it. Good night. See you tomorrow! And this is for you Luke", I say and I show him my middle finger.

I went upstairs to the room where I was staying, slamming the door and letting out a groan of frustration and I let my body fall on the matters, with my eyes glued on the ceiling.

Fuck everyone else!

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