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Nagi-chan's POV

I was just walking with Sugino, talking about the trip, and how we are back to our 'normal' lives. At least until Isogai came up to us and asked about the email we received from Mr Karasuma

"I still think it's weird to get a transfer student so late... Maybe an assassin?" Isogai questions, I easily respond with something I already knew, but they didn't

"Maybe? I mean, I didn't expect to have assassins our age, but it could be" Of course there are assassins our age, you're talking to one right now! Oh how I love undercover missions

Sugino just said how the transfer was a girl, and as if we summoned him, Okajima appeared saying

"Have you seen a pic of her though?!" Sugino just responded with a  quick 'Are you a ninja or something?' 

But he was ignored as Okajima showed us his background, a picture of the transfer... He will be disappointed when he realizes that she is just an A.I... Oh well

And if you're wondering how I know, it's because she was sent to help me with killing Koro-sensei. But she was supposed to come with Subject 10, sadly, dad said he wasn't ready

I understand, but I just hope she doesn't blow my cover. Has she been told about me? I hope she knows not to ask about me... 

We were entering the classroom and saw this big box-like thing in the back of the class... I already knew Ritsu would be a pain, and whyyyyyyyyyy did she have to be behind me? Well, not directly behind me, but on my lain.. And yes, I gave her a nickname

We stood in front of her to wait and see what she was, I  just waited for her to boot, I want to see the shocked faces of everyone else

She started making a sound, and her face popped out on the screen  "Good morning fellow students, I am A.I.F.A. which is an acronym for Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery, and I am happy to be part of this class" 

After she said that, she turned off, I could already tell, everyone was silent with one thing on their minds

"It's come to this?"  

*Time skip brought to you by my lazy self, and the anime*

We were all, after Mr. Karasuma explained to the class who Ritsu was, doing the normal boring class. Me being slightly on edge because Ritsu hasn't activated yet...

But she should any moment no-

Bang, Bang

Some big guns appear out of the sides of Ritsu as Sugino screams "Holy crap!!"

Ritsu starts firing and Koro-sensei says "Four shotguns, Two machine-guns, and a very big cascade of anti-me B.B.s. I applaud you for your amount of skill young lady, but in the fear of someone receiving this in their eye, I forbid you to use this in class"

Ritsu answers how she normally would and says "Understood, the next route of rapid-fire will be aimed more carefully" and weird words and numbers appear on her screen.

"Her assassination method has evolved, meaning we're about to see what this bad baby can do," Karasuma says to Irina

"Recalculating trajectory, correcting angle, entering auto-evolution faze 52802" Ritsu says before Koro-sensei answer with "Tsk tsk tsk, stubborn aren't we?"

While having Green rays on his face and moving his chalk back and forth

Ritsu ignores him and shoots while Koro-sensei says "An identical attack? Really? What else can I expect from a computer? You do realize, defending myself under these circumstances is child's-play?"

As soon as he finished, his finger was shot off. everyone but I was shocked, I just had to fake it. Koro-sensei looked like he had this 'he knew, he f-ed up' moment as the chalk landed and broke.

It continued like this all day long! It was really annoying! If I didn't have a cover I could blow, I would order it to stop, seeing as I am it's superior... I wonder what Ryoma has planned for her tomorrow...

~~The next day~~

As Ritsu turned on, she complained about the scotch stopping her from attacking Koro-sensei, but when Ryoma said it was him who did it, she couldn't do anything. I don't know what happened to her after we left but... tomorrow was a surprise!

~~The day after that~~

We, as in Sugino and I, enter the room while complaining about Ritsu... Though I have the feeling Koro-sensei did something to her.

My suspicion was right, she had MANY upgrades. She now is able to understand and care, she acts like a human but from far away! It's crazy! But I doubt the higher-ups are going to let her stay like this... I'll pass her a hint on how to stay this amazing.

~~Le time skip~~

After a bit of bonding, they decided to name her, and me being the one to name her Ritsu first, I decided to speak up "How about Ritsu?" I think Ritsu realized by now who I was, because of her expression, I really think she knows now...

She should keep it a secret now.... hopefully... Everyone agreed, and for my sake, she acted like she never heard the name before and liked it. She started talking with the others again while headed to Karma!

"Seems like she might fit in after all," I tell him, he responds with "Yeah maybe, but Terasaka still has a point. This personality is still just a program, a machine has no free will, what happens from here, is essentially not up to us. It's up to whoever made her"

~~The end of the day~~

"So... Enjoyed your first free day?" I ask Ritsu, it's nearly night, and everyone left,

other than me. "I didn't realize it was you Subject 13, at least at first... What are you doing here? School ended ages ago" she answered me

"I just came to warn you, the higher-ups won't like what Subject 2487 did to you, they might reset you... and I could tell you like the way you are now, so I came to warn you about it"

"Thanks 13, I would probably leave if I were you, he's coming any time now"

"I will... bye," I say as I jump out the window and leave "good luck," I say to the sky.

~~tomorrow~~ yes many time skips

It was the afternoon, we had been told that Ritsu was downgraded, even if I know she kept some of her upgrades,  everyone is waiting for the moment where she is going to shoot.

Bang, Bang

Everyone expected guns, other than me, but was received with the nice surprise of flowers. Ritsu then goes to explain how she basically attained free will and disobeyed her master's orders.

Now we're 27 assassins, with one yet to come.... interesting... I hope he comes soon though.

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