Chapter??? this iz more ship fluff >:3

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So Ik I'm 4 days late, forgive me, anyway, enjoy this, good day/night!!

Blue-Bell's POV (I'm running out on nicknames, halp)

I could hear people chatting to Koro-sensei as they try shooting at him, annoying but that's what they're doing, I'm packing my stuff when something catches my ears

"Sonic Ninja" Me and Karma, who were both reading the magazine, looked at Koro-sensei with surprise and a lil' bit of jealousy

We looked at each other, and without saying anything, we nodded, understanding what each other said with just our eyes

We waited until Koro-sensei was about to leave to stop him from flying "Koro-sensei! Wait up! We want to go with you please!" He turned to face us and responded "Oh ho? Fans of the franchise?"

I tried my best to make the best-excited face I could and said "Oh yeah! We've been waiting for the squeal forever now!" He just looked at Karma, so did I, and for a brief moment, I swear I saw the look in his eyes... Was he looking at me like that?

"I'm surprised that you're a fan Karma" "It's not really my thing, I really dig the director though, it's his first genre gig" He may look like he meant it, but I could see his eyes, he was excited to see it too 'Cute'

"I'd like to come too if you don't mind" small female voice came out of my pocket, I took out my phone to see Ritsu on it "No offence Ritsu, but hat are you doing on my phone?"

"I took the liberty to upload myself to everyone's mobile devices, this way communication between students is streamlined and I'm fun-sized! This version of me is called Mobile Ritsu!"

I zoned out until I was shoved into his robe, I assume he's taking us at mock 20. I tried to look scared, but I was excited, plus I was close to Karma

As we started flying, both me and Karma couldn't help but scream a bit, so I moved in closer to him as if I was scared

I started zoning out again as Karma asked about how there wasn't any wind pressure, then he started giving us a lecture

~~time skiippp~~

We landed as I continued to ignore him, I let myself ask questions without really thinking. After we entered the theatre, Karma commented on the cold so Koro-sensei gave us one cover to share

Blushing a bit but managed to share the cover without too much embarrassment. We had Koro-sensei's tentacles in our ears so he could translate things that we didn't understand.

~~time skiiiippppppyyyy againnnnn sorryyyyy~~

It was the end of the film and I was getting tired, we were on our flight back, I wanted to stay awake but Karma's warmth made me fall asleep anyway

Karma's POV

I was just listening to Koro-sensei's lessons while looking at Nagi, he seemed tired and cute.. 'and yes I know he's a boy, I saw him changing once and realised he wasn't a girl... I wondered why he hid it'

I was taken out of my train of thought when I felt a head on my shoulder, I turned and looked at Nagi sleeping on me

"Oh? Seems like someone is tired. Well Karma, do you mind taking her home? I'm not allowed to enter your houses any more, and don't tell that to the other!"

I snickered a bit but nodded. He seemed to have quieted down as I put an arm around Nagi, then something hit me, I don't know where he lives! Ah whatever, we'll just have a sleepover

'This is 100% not because I want to spend more time with him or anything, not because I like him or anything, no! I'm just being a nice friend! Yea!'

It was a short silence but it was a nice silence, after a few minutes Koro-sensei drops us down in front of the school with Nagi in my arms, still sound asleep

"Well, goodnight Karma, don't forget to take Nagisa home, see you tomorrow in class" He waved his tentacle at me as I turned around and started walking home in the dark, it was a nice moment with Nagi

He cuddled up to me, I'm guessing for the warmth, but I just smiled a bit and continued to walk home.

~~time skippy time~~

I was in my apartment, my parents no-where near, fine with me, I just stayed with Nagi. I laid him down on my bed but he took my arm before I could leave, so now I'm just next to him, waiting for him to let me go

The light from my window slightly illuminated his face, so soft and cute, I'd love to stay and look at him, protecting him from anything that would try to harm him

I pushed a bit of his blue hair away from his face, but I think he felt the warmth of my hand because he started to stir awake

'Crud, he's going to leave once he wakes up! No no no no no!' My internal struggle seemed to not have gone unnoticed by the bluenette, how do I know? Because I felt two arms wrap around me

"Karma? Are you okay? what's wrong?" I stopped panicking as I turned around and returned the hug "Nothing, I just thought you would leave without spending time with me, is all!"

He giggled his sweet laugh, I couldn't help but smile "Of course I'll stay silly! So! This is where the infamous fight lives!" He says as he looks around

"Yea... Sorry for bringing you here, I didn't know where you lived and Koro-sensei didn't say anything" 'Okay that's a lie, but still, a good lie'

He looked at me like he knew I lied but didn't say anything "*yawn*, what do you want to do?" As he looked into my eyes, I saw the moonlight shine into his eyes, beautiful blue, with the moonshine, it looks almost like the sea

I turned away and asked "Video games? I got a few" I was scratching the side of my chin in embarrassment

"Sure!" He got up and as he walked away and towards the tv. I got up and set up 'Super Smash Sisters' on the Svitch, I showed it to him and he nodded saying it was fine. Then we started playing

~~More time skippppssss~~

As we laid down on the couch to watch a movie, I simply had to ask "Hey Nagi?" He looked up at me and seemed to be interested by the nickname "Mind if I ask a personal question?"

He just nodded and sat up "I know you're a guy.... why do you want people to think you're a girl? I won't judge you!"

His hair covered his eyes as he just sat there, I felt bad and quickly hugged him "You could be the world's most wanted criminal and I'd be here by your side! Believe me when I say I won't judge you"

I felt two hands grab tightly onto my shirt and little sniffles, I also felt some water wetting my shirt "Y-you *Hick* would ha-hate me! *Hick* And I *Hick* Do-don't want t- *Hick* to lose y-you!"

I rubbed circles on his back "Shuuushh, it's okay! I promise whatever you say, I'll be okay with it! Shuuushh, just calm down" He seemed to start calming down a bit but that was enough for me

After a bit of sniffling, he let go of me, much to my displeasure, but then looked at me in the eyes as he said

"I'm....... Karma I'm an-"


Yes, I'm that mean, anyways I'm back! How did you like this chapter? I hope you enjoyed it, plus a lil thing for you, the ship MAY sail soon! depends on smth I haven't fully decided on though, anyways see you next time

Bye my cubs!! And yes I'm calling you guys that!

Have a nice day/night!

Wolfie is out~

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