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Water mixed with the blood creating an oddly beautiful swirl of diluted pink as it retreated down the drain. It distracted me from roughly scrubbing my hands and arms, trying to remove the red substance that belonged to the wounded resistance fighters. Some would live, others had been past saving. I could tell the moment they were wheeled into the med chamber that nothing I could do would bring back their grip on life. All I could do was hold pressure to their wounds, hold their hands, and hold myself together as life left their eyes as quickly as that diluted pink fell down into the drain.

My hand came down hard on the side of the sink sending a dull pain through my exhausted arms, eyes stinging with unshed tears as I continued to harshly scrub away the blood. It's been a long time since we lost a life in the med wing, even longer since losing multiple. The resistance is no stranger to failed missions, and we always knew that there was a chance that one would take more of a toll on us than others. I meticulously washed around my nails to make sure the stains of the day's successes- and failures- were cleaned off.

"You did what you could. You're fine. You're fine."

I repeated this mantra in my head over and over again, willing myself to believe it. My team had saved five lives in the last twenty-four hours... that counts for something. I already sent most of my crew back to their quarters to get some well-deserved sleep. We have all been up for what felt like days, taking the trauma step-by-step, soldiers in our own way. Looking into the mirror, I was taken aback at how tired I looked. "Shit," I whispered lowly. My usually bright eyes were red and underneath were dark circles- a dead giveaway at my lack of rest.  I splashed my face with the water, relishing in the warmth that was a stark contrast to the cool air surrounding me. I glanced at the clock seeing that it was past midnight. At least I got to sleep in tomorrow.

There was a sharp knock on the door just as I turned off the lamp at my desk. "Dr. Dreis?"

I walked over to the door quickly, cursing myself for not leaving my office sooner. I opened the door to reveal a young Lieutenant with a rather impatient look on her hard features.

"What can I do for you Lieutenant?"

"General Organa would like to speak with you in the morning regarding the injuries from the last mission."

I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. So much for sleeping in.

"Of course. Tell her I'll report first thing." The Lieutenant gave a curt nod as she turned away from me, leaving me to close up my office and head to my sleeping quarters to savor the few hours of rest I desperately needed.

As I closed my eyes, I pictured that pink swirl spinning over and over- never making its way down the drain, hypnotizing me into a restless night's sleep.

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