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"Sienna, I don't understand why you had to call the poor guy out like that!" My best friend, Tash, exclaimed while bent over in laughter. I had just recalled to her the two meetings I had with Commander Dameron.

"You should've seen him- puffing himself up like he was the greatest thing to ever grace this galaxy.." I grumbled as I threw myself down in my office chair gathering my hair into a bun and sticking a pen through to hold it.

"Honestly, I can't believe you didn't recognize him when you first saw him. He's been in here a few times to get stitched up and the girls practically crawl over each other to see who gets to him first. I've tended to him a few times, and I must say, he certainly is charming. Definitely not too bad to look at either, and I don't even like guys like that." Tash had this far away look in her eyes causing me to roll mine.

"I think he will do well having his pride taken down a few notches. His air of arrogance was almost suffocating."

"Arrogance, or confidence?" Tash asked. "You may remember that I thought you were arrogant until I got to know you. Then I realized that you were just extremely self-assured.. which I may add is one of the reasons I love you," she tacked the bit on at the end just to suck up, fluttering her dark lashes at me.. 

"Okay, fine. But I don't use my 'confidence' to try and pick up guys. It's unbecoming."

"You. Are. Impossible. You already have guys staring after you left and right. Imagine who you could have after you if you DID try to throw a line out there every now and then?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose, regretting ever telling her about my run-ins with the pilot. "Tash, you know good and well there is a reason I'm not trying to pursue anyone. There aren't enough hours in the day for me to date in between seeing patients and trying to get some rest."

"So you're just going to keep using that excuse then?" She rolled her eyes so far back I'm surprised they didn't get stuck. "You may as well date Ezra again since he's the only guy that you spend any time with during the day."

"That isn't fair! We work together- OF COURSE we spend a lot of time together. You also know there is no way that we would ever be romantically involved with each other again. Not after how we broke it off." I stood up and walked over to the window that overlooks the forest. "Look, Tash, I know you want me to try and put myself out there more. It's just with everything getting more tense around here with these attacks, it's hard to find any time to take for myself. The number of injured fighters that come in every week doesn't look like it is going to slow down any time soon."

I felt Tash walk up beside me, draping her arm over my shoulders and resting the side of her head against mine. "I know, Si. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought Ezra into this at all. You are so committed to helping everyone else, I just don't want you to miss out on a chance to have someone again. Especially considering how tense things are becoming. It'd be nice to know that someone is there to 'take care' of my girl, if you know what I mean."

I looked over at Tash to see her wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Shaking my head, I bumped her hip with mine,

"Ugh, Tash get out of my office!"

Tash let out a loud "Ha!" and made her way over to the office door. "I'm just saying, a pair of skilled pilot hands could probably relieve a little more stress than that Corellian wine you always dr-" She was cut off as I took the pen out of my bun and threw it at her, narrowly missing as she slammed the door shut. I could hear her continue to laugh as she made her way down the hall.

As annoying as she could be, I could never truly be mad Tash. She has been a nurse here for a while, and was the first real friend I had made on base. As she said, it took a bit for us to warm up to one another.. her uninhibited attitude and blue hair took some getting used to. We were total opposites, but I think we are exactly what each other needs around here.  Ezra used to joke that we were secret lovers, so Tash made it a point to smack my butt and land a sloppy kiss on my cheek anytime he was around us.. his face was truly priceless the first time that happened.

As if he knew I had thought about him, Ezra knocked on the door and opened it without waiting for permission to enter.

"I don't know why you bother with knocking if you're just going to barge in here like that," I said with a scowl on my face.

He rolled his eyes, "and what, catch you changing? Nothing I haven't seen before." He made himself at home, sitting on the opposite side of my desk and propping his feet up on the corner.

"Forever the professional," I sighed under my breath. "What can I do for you, Dr. Fannin?"

"I want you to join me at the gathering Zane is having in a few days."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes and scoff at the man. "First of all, I'm pretty sure guys usually ask women about these things, not demand it. Secondly, I have no plans on going to that. And third, no."

"Oh please, spare me the feminist rant. Come on, we already have nurses who have volunteered to keep watch. We can both be on call in case anything happens," he said with a shrug.

"They volunteered or were volun-told? Why are you even wanting me to go with you? Another girl you're trying to make jealous using our few-years-dead past relationship? You're disgusting." I started gathering my notes together to head on rounds, hoping he would get the hint that I was already over his presence.

"Why does that matter to you anyways? Prefer 'skilled pilot hands' over doctors now?"

I slammed my notes down so hard on my desk I wouldn't be surprised if I had cracked it. I also had a short-lived satisfaction watching Ezra jump slightly in his chair, a look of surprise on his face.

"Oh so now you eavesdrop on my conversations? That's low Ezra, even for you. Also, last I checked, who's 'hands I prefer' is absolutely NONE of your business. Get out of my office- I have work to do." I walked over to the door and opened it for him, beckoning for him to leave. He slowly got to his feet and walked over to the door. Right as he got to the threshold, he turned his head in my direction,

"Don't forget, Dr. Dreis, we have that exploratory surgery tomorrow for the patient in room C. I'll see you bright and early."

"Of course I won't forget, Dr. Fannin. Now leave." He shot me a dazzling smile and started whistling a soft tune as he made his way out the door. I stood there with my hand on the knob for a few minutes trying to make sense of the infuriating man's actions. I made my way back to my notes and exited my office, blocking out the distractions as I went from room to room checking up on all of our patients. 

Needless to say, while we make a great team in the operating room, we definitely are no longer friends.

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