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Leia still hadn't woken up. I spent the majority of my free time sitting in the med room with her. I had spoken to Ezra earlier for any ideas on what could safely get her conscious again, but we both pretty much decided that she would have to wake up in her own time. I confessed to her about Kylo Ren, figuring she couldn't hear me, but I felt better after regardless. I also told her what an ass I think her son is, definitely hoping she couldn't hear that part.

At some point I fell asleep curled up in the chair by her bed. The steady sound of her heartbeat put my mind at ease, allowing me to have a dreamless rest until I felt someone running their hand through my hair. I groggily opened my eyes, trying to stifle a yawn. Poe was smiling down at me when I looked up.

"Hey baby, get some sleep?" He gently pressed his lips to my forehead.

"Mhm." I replied, stretching my arms up in the air. "What's up?"

"Well, Finn wanted to have a meeting with us. Apparently him and one of the mechanics have a plan that could help us." I gave him a confused look. "Yeah I don't know either."

I stood from my chair and wrapped my arms around the pilot's neck, pressing a small kiss to his lips. "We can go. Is it in the command bridge?"

Poe rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, not quite. They want to come in here since it's more private." Just as he finished, the door slid open and the group filed in: Tash, Finn, C-3PO, BB-8 and a girl I didn't recognize. I gave Tash a look that she just shrugged at.

"Thanks for letting us come in here, Sienna. We have an idea that could help us escape the First Order's tracking," Finn said with a nervous energy. I was going to point out how I wasn't really asked, but I kept my mouth shut.

"Of course." I turned to the girl in the mechanic suit and held my hand out. "I'm Sienna Dreis."

"Rose." The girl had a timid smile, but a gentle disposition.

I turned to the group, walking to stand next to Poe as he sat by the projection table. "So, what is this plan of yours Rose? Finn?"

"So Order's only tracking us from one Destroyer, the main one," Finn began to explain.

"So we blow that one up?" Poe asked quickly.

I rolled my eyes. "Poe, come on." Tash giggled from her place in the corner.

Finn managed to keep the smile from breaking on his face. "I like where your head is at, but no. They'd only track us from another Destroyer. But if we sneak into the main Destroyer and we turn off the tracker without them realizing, then we can-"

"They won't realize if it's for one full cycle. About six minutes," Rose finished. She pulled up a projection showing the main Star Destroyer.

"Sneak on board. Disable the tracker. Our fleet escapes before they even realize." I shared a look with Poe as he stood and went to stand by the General. Before he got to her, he turned to the pair.

"How did you two meet?"

Finn and Rose glanced at each other quickly. "Just luck," the girl said with a shrug.

"Yeah? Good luck?" I asked, raising a brow at the Rose before meeting Finn's eyes.

Her face fell just a bit as she considered this question. "Not sure yet."

Finn walked over to stand right in front of me with pleading eyes. "Sienna, we've got to do this. It will save the Resistance and it'll save Rey." I considered the risks of the plan carefully. It was a long shot that it would even work honestly, but what other plan did we have? It didn't seem like the Admiral was formulating anything better. I turned my head towards Leia and Poe, smiling as I watched Poe grab the woman's hand.

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