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The night sky was big, and it twinkled with thousands of warrior ancestors. Silverpelt was mesmerising and it almost made the slim, golden tabby tom forget that he needed to seek answers. The golden medicine cat strode forward in the bare moor, suddenly feeling oddly cold. He shivered, a jolt going through his body.

His paws carried him onward, set on finding the cat he needed to find. He held his tail high as he padded forward. A flat rock layed in the middle of the moor, an eerie presence laying there. The full moon glowed onto the rock, making it shine almost as bright as the sun.

A presence, a silhouette sat up on the rock, his broad shoulders and big ears easily recognisable as his own father, Mudfoot.

"Twoface, step forward."

The golden tabby tom walked towards the stone where the spirit of his father sat. He bowed his head respectfully and looked up with his one seeing eye.

"Do you have anything to say, son?"

Twoface twitched his whiskers in annoyance. His father visited his dreams often, he should know he did not speak during his dreams. StarClan enjoyed being vague. But now he had to speak.
One question had been nagging him for moons now.

"Will we have to run away?" His voice echoed through the moor.

His father's whiskers twitched with amusement. His voice rang out almost as clear as the water in the river.

"The blood of friends and enemies will be spilled. A wise bird will meet rodent and blood will be bathed in. Seeds shall lay in the ruins of the flames that will help you. "

Twoface stayed silent. He bowed his head again as a thanks. The presence of his father suddenly disappeared into a mist of dust.

Another cool breeze made the tom shiver, and he stood there for a brief moment, completely still.

Suddenly a rush of energy overcame him and he bounded across the moor, towards a gigant lake. He usually disliked getting wet, but a sudden urge told him to jump in.

His powerful legs pressed him up with a gigant leap and he was suddenly surrounded by freezing cold water. He suddenly felt the panic rise in him. He kicked around, trying to stay at the surface but the current was too strong. He got pulled down and he realised he could not hold his breath.

He kicked violently, trying to get back to the service and desperately tried to not breathe in any more water. His vision blurred and everything was black for a moment.

With a jolt he was back at the medicine den. He sat up, fur bristling. He had drowned in his dream. It felt as if his pelt was completely soaked. He shook himself to clear his mind. No. He was alive and well.

He looked around his den. Herbs and berries layed in neat lines on one of the cave walls and a sleeping appreciate, Racoonpaw, who had recently gotten a chill by falling into the river, was sleeping soundly in the nest next to him.

He stood up, shook the feathers and moss out of his fur and walked outside. The sun was just beginning to peak out from behind the trees and the air felt clear and fresh. Green-leaf was near, and the sun's warmth made Twoface feel hopeful.

Owlstar, his leader, was sitting by the Roots, looking at his cats chatting amongst each other. His cream and brown coloured pelt glowed in the sunlight.

Rat-tail and his apprentice Poppypaw was chatting and eating some fresh-kill. Rat-tail looked up and sent a friendly flick of his furless tail towards him. Twoface walked up to them.

"Hello." He mewed.

Poppypaw shot up on her paws.

"Is Racoonpaw alright? Can we train together again?" She mewed pleadingly. Twoface twitched his whiskers.

"He's still resting. I'll have to see if he's better when he has woken."

Poppypaw sighed and plopped back on her rump. "I see..."

Rat-tail rolled his eyes and stood up. "Nevermind that scaredy mouse, we'll go hunt at sunhigh with Dognose and his apprentice. We have to brush you up on your fighting moves."

Twoface sneered at the insult. Racoonpaw was cautious, and that was a good thing to be during these hostile time between the clans.

Poppypaw jumped up again, her tail flicking side to side in excitement. "Really?! Yes!" She sprinted towards the apprentice den to go tell the others.

Rat-tail turned his attention at Twoface. "So, frogface, got anything planned for the day?"

Twoface's fur bristled. He was friends with the broad-shouldered brown tabby, sure, but he'd gladly rip his fur off as soon the tom said anything.

"Don't call me that you toadgutted crow-food eater! I'll-"

His sentence suddenly got cut short by a sudden screech and five gigant shadows flew above them.

"Hawks!" A cat from behind him yowled. Twoface's fur fluffed up twice it's size and he swirled around to look up at the sky. There were several gigant birds in the sky. Their brown feathers and yellow feet glowed in the sun. Suddenly one of them screeched and swooped down to grab someone. Poppypaw was in the middle of the camp. She had no time to escape. Sharp talons raked her back as she was being pulled into the sky. She wailed in fright and tried to wriggle away but to no avail. Barktoe, a brown striped warrior from StreamClan, who was being held prisoner in their camp, and Toadfang, a silver tortoiseshell who had become a warrior barely a moon before, ran towards the hawk, claws unsheathed and furs bristling.

"No, retreat!" Owlstar yowled, but it was too late.

Barktoe already had jumped towards the hawk, but it had already started to fly away. Toadfang leaped after them, and she actually reached them. The hawk sunk down from all the sudden extra weight.

She bit down on the hawks foot as hard as she could and it released Poppypaw. The apprentice fell down almost 5 full fox lengths, and landed with a horrid crack followed by a wail from the apprentice.

Twoface couldn't help the injured appreciate, not right now at least. Not when his clan-mates were being carried away into the sky!

Toadfang was still up there, and with a loud screech from the hawk the other four hawks dove down and swooped up Barktoe, Shadekit, Greenflower and Grasspaw. There was no way anyone could jump up there and save them.

Twoface's heart sunk down to his belly as he stared up horror at the sky. One part of the prophecy had come true.

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