Part 11

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It was early the next morning when Chris nudged me awake and Josh and I looked up at our friends. We were both still on the couch, our arms wrapped around one another as we slept, and Mike raised an eyebrow.
"Got something to tell us, guys?"
I didn't even get a chance to think about the fact that Josh had slept soundly for a solid 5 hours.

"I fucking called it," Chris grinned, "didn't I tell you she liked you?" He said to Josh who smiled sheepishly back.

"It's a little weird but... I guess it's cute too," Ashley shrugged, "I'm glad one of you decided to go for it. It was bound to happen eventually."

"You're a fine one to talk!" Josh pointed at her, "what about you and Chris?"

I let go of Josh and sat up, "okay, guys... volume."

"Sorry, Sam," Ashley rubbed her eyes, "I know the feeling."

"There's something I need to talk to you all about," I changed the subject to get away from my embarrassment, "I'm staying up here with Josh when you leave."

"You're what?" Mike frowned, "how are you going to stay up here?"

I shrugged, "I'll get a job in the closest town I guess... and then just stay up here. Josh's parents own this place, they're not going to get rid of it or really ever visit, are they?"

"I thought Josh was coming home," Chris looked deflated.

"Sorry, man... but it's not like I can go strutting round town looking like this, can I?" He shrugged a shoulder, "but only if you're sure, Sam... I would be okay here on my own."

"I don't trust you to look after yourself," I teased, you'd probably end up back down in the mines!"

"Sam... you need to seriously think about this," Mike tried but I butted in.

"I have. I'm staying... you guys are welcome to visit any time but I'm staying here. I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"You haven't disappointed us," Ashley hugged me, "I'm proud of you."

The guys finally agreed with her, sensing that they'd be fighting a losing battle, and we went over a plan to keep me and Josh settled up here for thr foreseeable future.

When the weekend was over and Chris, Mike and Ashley left, Josh and I settled down for the evening. I had given him the same meal as I had and he was eating it without any problems, unable to hide how pleased he was about it. I kissed his good cheek and he put the empty bowl down on the floor.
"Thank you."

"That's okay," I smiled, thinking he was referring to the meal.

"No, I mean thank you for everything. Coming back for me, believing that I'd get better, inviting the others... just everything. I can't even begin to tell you how much it all means to me... I feel better, even better than I felt before Hannah and Beth died. You really are amazing, Sam."
I leant my head on his shoulder and he rested his chin on my head, "I can't believe you actually saved me."

"I m couldn't have lived with myself if I hadn't. I need you in my life... if I hadnt come back here then I'd never have stopped thinking about you... I was so desperate to find you alive... and I'm so glad I did."

He kissed my forehead and I smiled up at him, "you're the best."

"I know."

"I think I... I mean I think I've always known... I love you."

I smirked, "I know."
He laughed and I hugged him, "I think I've always known that I love you too."
He looked into my eyes and kissed me gently. I closed my eyes and let myself sink into him, feeling engulfed in the man that I thought I'd lost. He pulled away a little to smile softly at me, "you're incredible."
He kissed me again, this time a little harder, and I smiled against his uneven mouth. It didn't bother me in the slightest... he wasn't a Wendigo... he was Josh... and that was all I ever wanted.

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