Believing is Seeing

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I believe in Superheroes.
The ones who don't wear capes.
They may wear wide-rimmed glasses
and stumble here and there in life;
but they inspire acceptance
And reassurance in a cruel world.
I believe in Superman.
I believe in Clark Kent.
I believe in the children who
grow up with extraordinary gifts
who feel they need to choose to hide it
before they can learn to embrace it.
I believe in action figures;
they come to life much better than Barbie dolls.
I don't believe in being fake
Or flakes who exploit our gifts.
I believe in good communication.
I'm guilty of talking to the dead
because I know they can't talk back.
I believe in shadows; the ones
that walk beside us every day,
telling us in unspoken words
whether or not today
is our day to die.
I believe in "believing is seeing."
A magical place we each have in our minds
to go to where nothing and no one
Can hurt us or make us stop believing in fairies.

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