Crazy Conspiracy Theorist

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After another minute or so of apologizing to Theo, I went after Stiles and Liam. I was pissed, and I wasn't gonna let him off that easy. I followed the direction they went, and soon heard voices.

"It was the bridge where his sister died, wasn't it?" Scott asked.

"Yes, it was. Very embarrassing. So we are gonna leave now." Stiles said. I could see them now as I walked around the trees, Stiles was in his jeep having trouble starting it.

"Good." I said as I approached them. "Seeing as you had no business being out here in the first place."

Scott turned his head, concern all over his face. Stiles got out of his jeep, and walked over to open the hood.

"I'm sorry." Stiles said without much tone, not even a glance at me.

"That's it?" I asked. "Sorry? I'm not even the one you owe an apology to."

"Okay, we followed him out here." Stiles says, dropping his wrench for a second. "What do you want me to say? That I'm a stalker, huh? That I'm crazy, totally paranoid? None of which is new information."

"You could at least try to at least give him the benefit of the doubt." I told him

"I give people the benefit of the doubt." Stiles defends himself. "I have given a lot of benefit to a lot of people."

"Like Derek?" I asked. "Kira? Liam?"

"I was right about Peter." Stiles said, fiddling with his engine.

"Nobody trusted Peter." I scoffed.

"Scott did." Stiles said, pointing the wrench to him. "You know, I bet you still think that there's something about him that can be saved."

"Maybe." Scott shrugs. Stiles smacks his hand on the engine, grabbing a different wrench. "Why can't you trust anyone?"

"Because you trust everyone!" Stiles shouts. Stiles pounds his fist down on the engine hard, his face twisting in pain.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked in a calm tone.

"I'm fine." Stiles says clutching his fist.

"You could've broken it." Scott said.

"It's not broken." He says.

"Let me see it." Scott told him.

"I'm fine." Stiles says again. He wasn't, he was trying to hold it still but he was visibly shaking.

"Let me see it." Scott told him, stepping closer. Stiles let go of his hand after a moment, moving it closer to Scott.

Scott carefully put one hand under Stiles' trembling one. And the other gently on top of his. I watched while black veins crawled up Scott's hand as he took Stiles pain. His hand became more relaxed after a minute and finally stopped shaking.

When Scott let go, he flexed all his fingers. The movement didn't look like it was causing him any pain.

"I'm sorry." I said with genuine concern for him. I was still kind of mad, but I knew he didn't do this just for the hell of it.

"Me too." Stiles nods.

There it was again. Guilt. Maybe I was being biased with Theo. But I also didn't see what Stiles did. If Theo was lying I would know, and so would Scott. He wasn't any of the things Stiles was obsessing over.


"You don't know who you're messing with, niñita." The man said. his hand snaking around his side to pull out a gun.

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