Part III: Immortal

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"What would you do if I told you I loved you?" ~The Cab, La La

The girl thought she was immortal. Immortal from death and sadness, but mortal to happiness. But on some occasions she would forget. Being the risky, outgoing daredevil she was, she would sometimes fall and scrap up a knee. But she would always stand right back up. Bounce back, and overcome troubles.

Maybe that's why he liked her.

Her persistence, never giving up, determined, creativity , and intelligence. When she smiles she would light up a room, maybe a whole city. And as she walked into that room, she's be stunning as always. Even if she were in pajama pants and a baggy T-shirt. The girl was perfect with all her imperfections.

Maybe that's why he loved her.

They thought they were immortal. They thought that together they could accomplish anything. His realistic nature and her wild imagination always kept them in high spirits. Him always caring for those knee scraps, cuts, and bruises and her showing him how much fun life can really be.

Maybe that's why they loved each other.


"How many was that so far?" He inquired.
"Twelve." She let out a sigh, leaning her head back.
"And how many left?"
"Like a million."
"Stay still, there's four on your arm." He pricked off the porcupine spikes off the girl's arm.
"Owwwe..." she squealed.
"I told you not to climb that tree but you did, then you fell and here is the outcome of not listening to me."
"I didn't see the porcupine!" The girl retorted grumpily.
"Hold, there's one on your nose." He held her face.
"No there isn't, Tadashi, I would have felt it." The boy instead gently kissed her nose.
"Got it." The girl blushed at the boy's action.
"Did you get them all?"
"Nope, just stand up. It'll be easier for me."
"It hurts, I'm all numb."
"Sorry, _________. Just give me a second." The girl just happen to be climbing a tree and had fallen right on top of a porcupine during their hike. (Okay well, lets just say there's a mountain in the city or something...)
"Eep!" The girl flinched at the last prick and rubbed the spot the boys pulled.
"Thanks, your my hero." She gingerly kissed his cheek and they continued on their merry way up the mountain.


"Okay, okay. I've decided!" The girl set down her menu.
"Finally I thought we'd be here all night." The girl rolled her eyes at him.
"I'm going to get (favorite food) and, hmm, (favorite pastry, cake, pie, etc.). What about you?" She quizzed the boy in front of her.
"Well, they don't have wings." The girl giggled and pointed to somethings on the menu that she though he'd like. After ordering, the couple chatted and laughed all while enjoying each others company. When the food arrived they taste tested each others picks.
"I'm not letting you pay!" The girl refused to give up the check to pay for the order. Only hugging the black folder to her chest.
"_________, come on hand it over." He held out his hands.
"Nope, but you can get me ice cream nearby." She smiles devilishly, the boy lets out a sigh and knows that he really can't fight the girl anymore.
"Yay! Ice cream!" She hands the check to the waiter. And takes his arm, dragging him out of the restaurant to ice cream shop a block up the street. The bell rings as the door opens. The girl goes over to the ice cream selection and presses her face against the glasses.
"Tadashi, should I get (favorite ice cream) or (2nd favorite ice cream) with (extra)? Or should I get both?" He chuckles and orders a cone of half (favorite ice cream) and another half of (2nd favorite ice cream) with (extra). Ordering him self a cone of chocolate with chocolate chips. The little shop has a bunch of vending machines with tiny little prizes like stickers, candy, and even some of those parachute thingys. The boy stops by one, pulling out twenty-five cents out of his pocket inserting it in and twisting the knob. Click. A small orb tumbles out the slot. He passes his cone to the girl who questionably takes it. He opens the capsule and shakes out the item inside. He shoves the container into his pocket, the girl returns his ice cream, actually quiet for a second.
"I know it's not gold, but if you just wait it will." He hands the dumbfound girl the tiny treasure. She opens her palm for him to drop it on. It's spay painted gold, with a false (favorite color) gem, and has fancy etching design on the side.
"T-Tadashi..." She breaths. He puts up a pinkie figure with his left hand.
"After college." The girl linked her own right pinkie.
"After college." They laughed and hugged each other with a short lip lock. Locking a silent promise.

Ka-ling. The couple leaves the ice cream store with a tiny ring on the girl's left ring finger.
"Thank you, Tadashi." The girl snuggles against the boy's arm," tonight's been nice."
"I'll walk you home. There are creeps around here for bot fights." He says, referring to his brother.
"That would be great thanks."

The couple continues to walk on the streets under the bright lights of the city. As they turn a corner, there's a sickening gunshot. The boy holds the girl back as the covers her eyes, too frightened to open them up to the truth.

It was a shooting. They were lucky the police came in time, but some weren't so much. The sirens could be heard over a women's cries. The girl released the boy's arm and rushes towards the scene, wanting to help. Searching around, her eyes met the scruffy faced shooter. They stared at each other for a moment as he slowly pulled up his gun, ready to fire. The boy stayed hidden and quiet, knowing if he did anything it would only scare the shooter and he'd shoot. Click, but no hit. He had run out if bullets. The girl froze in her spot. From shock of the crime. The shooter made a run for it as the girl falls other knees.
"________! What did you-" the boy huddles over to her, covering her shoulders with his arms.
"T-Tadashi..." He looked up to the scene. Four down and a elderly women cowering over an old man, sobbing. When the police and ambulance arrived they questioned the couple, but the girl couldn't do anything. Shock they said, and asked her to call them once she was ready to speak. As some of the officers were cleaning up the scene and the paramedics pushed bodies in to the back, the elderly women reaches out, crying as the police trying to calm her down.

The walk home was quiet. The girl leaned against the boy for support.

Maybe not everything is immortal.

The girl hands the boy her condo's keys and he turns the knob. He leads her inside while flicking on all the lights. The girl falls into the comfort of her (describe a couch), pulling a (color) pillow and her feet close to her body. The boy knew he couldn't leave the her by herself like this. Locking her door and grabbing a blanket. He perched him self beside her. She leans into him with closed eyes. He turns on her lamp light on the nightstand by the couch.
"Tadashi? Can you promise me something?" The boy sinks back into his spot by the girl.
"Yeah?" The girl took boy's hand into her. He couldn't help to look at her left hand.
"If either of us die we'd
smile, I don't want you to cry. I don't like it when your sad." She pauses looking down.
"_______..." The boy notices that she's crying. She opens up her arms and clings to his chest.
"Then would you at least stay with me? Til I fall asleep? So when I wake up, I know your not a dream?" He could only nod, speechless at what the girl said. He waved out the fleece blanket and tucked the girl in with it. The girl released him and instead laid her head against his shoulder. The boy took her hand and rubbed, kissing the top of her forehead.
"I'll be here tomorrow."

Tadashi x Reader: Too Paralyzed to Realize (wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now