Day One

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"Are you super pumped to meet your campers!?" Jimin squealed, directing the question at his best friend.

"Duh! But probably not as excited as you, you have the enthusiasm of a puppy on steroids!" Taehyung responded with a laugh as Jimin playfully shoved him.

As the sunlight slit through the trees and bounced off the snow that crunched beneath their boots, Jimin couldn't help but feel at home. The two were walking the well-worn path through the campground woods, their destination being the lodge where the campers would be dropped off. The path was carefully marked with colorful flags to ensure that people wouldn't get lost, but both boys knew these woods like the back of their hands.

Taehyung and Jimin had met at Camp Bangtan when they were small sixth graders, they lived hours away from each other but kept in touch via Skype calls and email. Every year they would meet again at camp and spend one blissful week together. As soon they were old enough, both boys applied to be counselors and were overjoyed by their acceptance. Now, they spend their entire summer and every school break looking after kids of all ages at the place that they made so many fond memories.

The wooden lodge sat next to a frozen lake, smoke billowed out of its large chimney and the windows were decorated in frost by Mother Nature herself. The wrap around porch was void of people, and as they approached the door, Jimin couldn't help but find the silence a bit eerie; the entire campground awaited the arrival of the students that would fill the place with noise.

"JIMIN! TAEHYUNG!" As the boys entered the lodge they were greeted with an enthusiastic hug by the camp's director, Namjoon. "How have you two been!? How's college life treating you? Do you have girlfriends yet?" he asked with a huge smile.

"Yah, Joon! Let them breathe a little," the camp cook, Seokjin, scolded him.

Jimin turned towards the cook and held out his arms with a smile, "Aww, Jinnie's just jealous that he's not getting a hug right now!" Jin rolled his eyes but accepted the hug nonetheless.

"College is great!" Taehyung began to answer Namjoon's questions, "I love my classes, only have one semester left and then I'll have my bachelor's degree!"

"And Joon," Jimin interrupted with a laugh, "you were my counselor when I had my 'gay awakening' freshman year, why would you even ask about a girlfriend?"

"Oh yeah, that's right," Namjoon answered with a teasing look, "you had a crush on Tae-"

"Moving on!" Jimin shouted, brushing past his cackling superior, "Hoseok! How have you been?"

The activity supervisor had been sitting quietly at one of the lodge's wooden cafeteria tables; it seemed out of character for him to be so mellow. Hoseok looked up from the camp binder he was writing in with a stressed expression, "Oh, hey Jimin. It appears we're missing some broomball equipment, so I'm going to have to place a large shipment order that will hopefully arrive here in time for the end of the week tournament."

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