Day Four

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The red cabin was late for breakfast again. Jimin watched in smug satisfaction as Jin lowered their overall score. Taehyung sat silently at the counselor table, he had on an old, grey hoodie pulled over his head and refused to touch his food. Jungkook, like Yoongi, had yet to arrive, but his campers were happily munching away on their food.

When breakfast was almost finished, the red cabin finally showed up. They walked a bit stiffer than usual, visible signs of discomfort on their faces. Yoongi stormed over to the counselor table and slowly took a seat, he let out a small hiss when his ass made contact with the wooden bench.

"Morning," Jimin cheerfully greeted, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"How did you even find the time?" Yoongi asked calmly, his face twisted in slight discomfort.

"Taehyung helped me," Jimin explained with a shrug, "he needed something to do to distract him from the whole Jungkook and Namjoon situation." At the mention of his crush's name, Taehyung let out a small sniffle.

"So you decided that sneaking into my cabin and taking all of our underwear, soaking them, and then leaving them outside on the porch overnight to freeze was the best distraction?"

Jimin hummed, "Yeah, pretty much!"

Yoongi clenched his jaw but said nothing as Jimin happily scarfed down the rest of his breakfast. Suddenly, Jin appeared at their table with a stern look on his face.

"Would someone care to explain to me why Jungkook is hiding in the storage closet, why Taehyung looks like someone killed his dog, why Yoongi looks like he bottomed last night, and why Jimin looks like he's about to puke!?" Jin asked with exaggerated hand motions, clearly over the entire situation already.

Jimin frowned, he really did feel like he was going to vomit. "I don't know," he mumbled while clutching his stomach, "everyone seems normal to me."

Yoongi laughed at the blatant lie. Suddenly, Jimin jumped up and ran to the nearest trashcan, hurling up his breakfast completely. It didn't take long for one of his campers to join him, soon, the entire yellow cabin group was hurling all over their breakfast trays and into their mugs. The other campers began to scatter, yelling "Ewwww" and plugging their noses as they ran out of the lodge.

Jin scoffed, "Well I didn't think my cooking was that bad!"

Jimin stood, his stomach was finally empty, but he still didn't feel the greatest. Pointing a shaky finger at Yoongi he asked in an angry, raspy voice, "What did you do? Are you trying to murder us!?"

Yoongi laughed, "A little bit of ipecac isn't going to kill you, just make you sick for a while. Just like how wearing frozen boxers isn't going to kill us, but MAY GIVE MY ASS FROSTBITE!" he yelled angrily.

"You ruined my food!?" Jin shouted, staring in disbelief at the new counselor. "These kids need to eat! Children are like squirrels; they have to rely on getting fat to survive the cold winter, and you just ruined their breakfast!"

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