Day Five

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"Alright!" Namjoon's voice boomed through the megaphone to the crowd full of eager campers, "you all know the campout rules by now: no more than three to a tent, stick with your buddy at all times, no wandering off out of your counselor's sights, practice good teamwork and most importantly; HAVE FUN!"

Cheers erupted from the freshmen, they had been looking forward to the very last challenge since they arrived. Tonight would be their last night at Camp Bangtan, and most were already beginning to feel a little sad at that realization. They had spent all afternoon writing down contact information, feeling sentimental, and promising to keep in touch.

Jimin hoisted his heavy pack higher up on his back as everyone began to hike through the chilly woods. In order to help keep an extra eye on all of the campers, Namjoon, Jin, and Hoseok were joining them on the trip. The campers were all chattering excitedly, but he knew that give or take thirty minutes or so, they would start to complain about being tired, cold, and hungry. Taehyung, who was hiking by his side, loudly broke into an obnoxious camp song that all of the campers knew by now.

"CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP, CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP, CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP WITH A SODA ON THE SIDE!" he scream sang. All of the campers began to goofily dance, laughing as they repeated the lyrics.

Jimin smiled, he was happy that his best friend was feeling more like his cheerful self, though he wished that he could say the same about Jungkook; Namjoon and he hadn't spoken since the last staff meeting. The youngest tried his hardest to be excited for his campers, that much was obvious, but Jimin could see the hurt in his eyes and hear the way his voice sometimes cracked out of sadness. Jimin intertwined his fingers through Taehyung's hand and squeezed, swinging their hands as they walked he joined in the singing.

Yoongi silently observed the two best friends with a sad expression. The two rivals had, to everyone's surprise, not spoken to each other all day. There were no more pranks, catty name-calling or teasing confidence. Their campers had noticed as well, and a few of them had begun to theorize.

"I heard Namjoon hyung threatened to fire them," Taehyun gossiped, keeping his voice low.

"Really?" Wooyoung whispered in surprise, "maybe they just decided to call a truce?"

"A truce?" Hongjoong giggled, "Jimin hyung would never."

"Well maybe-"

"Children," Soobin wrapped his arms around Yeonjun, shutting him up immediately, "isn't it obvious?" he asked, waving a hand distractedly in their counselors' direction, "they're in love."

"Who's in love?" Hoseok jogged up next to the gossiping campers, having heard only bits and pieces of their conversation.

"Our counselors," Jungho answered confidently while the other boys gulped nervously, they hoped the activity supervisor wouldn't scold them for spreading rumors.

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