Chapter Eleven

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As I grieved Jeremy's death, Nik stayed with me, and he had me stay inside of his home because Elena had her humanity turned off. I know that if I saw her I would lash out about her burning the house down and not protecting Jeremy, possibly resulting in my death. So me staying inside was the best option.

One day I left the bedroom and decided to watch Nik paint, I sat on a couch wrapped in a soft blanket as he painted.

"You're staring." Niks voice breaks me of my gazing.

I give him a small smile when he looks my way, "No, I'm admiring." I tell him as an excuse, which causes him to chuckle.

Then a random thought came to my mind, "Where you there the last time I grieved? When Jenna died?" I question.

He looks my way, "What do you mean, love?" He asks as he sets down his brush.

"Were you the wolf who came to me in the cemetery?" I clarify.

Recognition crosses his eyes and he walks over to me, "Yes. I almost forgot about that. You were the only person who I didnt harm that night." Nik explains as he takes a seat next to me.

"You calmed me down that night. So I suppose I should say thank you. For helping me grieve both times." I say to him.

He gives me a small smile, and takes my hand in his, "Of course love. You have to much light in you to see or feel so much saddness." Nik says then places a soft kiss on my hand. Causing me to give him a genuine smile.


At one point Tyler's friend, Hayley, contacted me, asking me for help, that Katherine was after her. I told Nik, feeling bad not necessarily wanting her to die. He told me he'd look into it, after I bugged him about it multiple times.

"Alright let's go." Nik says to me after receiving a texts early in the morning.

"Go? Go where?" I question,  not moving from my seat.

"We are going to go save your new wolf friend." Nik tells me grabbing my jacket.

"Why do I have to go? I'll just get in the way." I tell him, not feeling like getting up.

"You are coming because you need to go out, and you'll be safe with me. Plus, she's your new friend, and you need a bit of cheering up." he explains, grabbing my hand in a comforting manner.

I nod and grab my jacket. "Okay, lets go then."


We arrive at a truck stop, small but busy. "Stay here." Nik says then speeds away.

I let out a sigh, "of course." I say to myself, slowly pacing.

Then I hear a scream not far from where I was, I quickly go there knowing I'll find Nik there. I look between the trucks until I find Nik, Hayley, and some vampire on the ground.

"You came." Hayley says to Nik, a bit surprised. 

"You said it was urgent, and Clara cares." Nik tells her.

"You okay?" I ask her, making my presence known.

Hayley gives me a small smile, "Yeah. Thanks." she says with a nod.

The vampire that was on the floor gets up, gaining our attention before running away. "Oh, don't worry about worry about him. He'll never make it through tomorrow night." Nik explains to us. 

"What if there are more?" Hayley questions a bit concerned.

"You were foolish enough to make a deal with Katerina Petrova." Nik tells her, walking away from her towards me, "she used you to find the cure and now you're nothing but a loose end. You'll be lucky if she lets you live." Nik tells her.

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