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Damon was sat in the grill drinking, Elena had blown him off again for his brother, they where suppose to be together but at Stefan's beckoned call she would run straight to him, so he sat drowning his sorrows in drink "I see they are letting the riff raf in now" Klause remarks taking the seat beside Damon

Damon shot him a glare and resumed his drinking "leave me alone" he grumbled towards the hybrid downing another drink as he poured another "i'm not in the mood to play games with you right now"

Klause raised an eyebrow at the younger vampire "something on your mind Salvatore? Where is your little doppelganger? she wouldn't be pleased seeing you drink like this"

Damon slammed his glass down into the counter "we are not all buddy buddy so back off" Damon hissed out "She's not here, and I wouldn't be drinking like this if she was and showed up like she promised"

Klause was a bit surprised by the outburst and poured the drink for Damon this time "apologies" he says putting the bottle down again, Damon scowled drinking another glass, once Damon drank that Klause poured him another, he opened and closed his mouth trying to think what to say the older Salvatore brother before deciding against it each time, letting out a defeated sigh he calls the bar tender over asking for his own glass as he continued to pour Damon a drink then himself

Damon had a few more drinks before he swayed the cup in his hand watching the yellow liquid slosh around in the clear glass "what does he have that I don't, it's always Stefan, they always want Stefan" he slurred before tipping the drink into his mouth with a heavy sigh "you know for once i actually thought I got the girl" he frowned in frustration watching as the liquid once again rose in the glass in front of him "I been good, when does the good guy get the girl, I havn't even killed anyone recently, I even helped Sheriff Forbes close some of her cases" he mumbled drinking the drink "of cause it's not me they want, it's my perfect little brother" Damon cringed the glass slipping from his hand

Klause caught the glass putting it on the counter "I think you have had enough to drink for one night mate" Klause finishes his glass standing when Damon does catching the stumbling vampire

"What did I do so wrong" he slurred as Klause held him up from dropping to the floor

"It's not what you done wrong Damon, it's what you are trying to do to please others, it's not you" Klause remarked pulling the young vampire from the bar

"Nik" Rebekah called halting Klause movements as he turned to his sister "what are you doing with the older Salvatore?"

"Taking him home, what does it look like little sis" he remarked rolling his eyes

"Hey" Damon called with a smile towards Rebekah, "fancy a drink with me?" He chuckled

Rebekah grimaced at Damon then raised an eyebrow to Klause "what is wrong with him Nik?"

"Drunk because of a Doppelganger ditching him for his brother" Niklause replied pulling Damon into a stand "and you have drank enough for today, you don't need anything else to drink" Rebekah followed as Damon was dragged along with Niklaus towards the boarding school

Nik froze as they came into view of the boarding house Stefan and Elana where outside kissing "I don't think we should return him tonight Nik" Rebekah remarked peering over her brother shoulders, as much as I hate the older Salvatore i don't believe he deserves this" she said gesturing towards the couple

"Take him for a second" Nik replied passing a very drunk unstable Damon to his little sister, as she held him up with one arm at a distance, she then watched as Niklause walked over to Elena and Stefan pushing the younger Salvatore back and punching him in the face "I hope you both are proud of yourselves" he said before walking back over to Rebekah and Damon taking his hold back of the raven haired male and heading to the Mickelson manor

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