Marriage Proposal

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Two of the riches families in Mystic falls where often fighting, mainly the siblings and the two fathers, Stefan was arguing with one of the younger Mikealsons when Damon walked off and into the grill for a drink "see thay are letting the riff raff in now" Niklause comments as Damon takes a seat

Damon sighs "I have no problem with you Niklause, I only came to get a drink, if you want to pick a fight my brother is just the other side of those doors" a glass was placed in front of Damon with a bottle of bourbon

"I don't want a fight, I was just being defensive, I can't be bothered with those petty arguments our families have" Klause picked his glass up taking a swig of the golden liquid inside

They both sat in silence as they drank their drinks, "get out" they heard someone say as the door went, Stefan and Kol glaring at one another as their noses bled "we are not having fighting in here

"Looks like the heated discussion turned into a fist fight" Damon mumbled turning back to his glass, Klause hummed in agreement turning back to his own glass

"I came for my brother" they both said at the same time, you could practically see the waves of hatred frowning between them as their fists clenched glaring at one another again

"Guess it's time to go" Niklause said paying for his drinks and getting up, he glanced to Damon before walking over to Kol "Let's go, I can't be bothered to deal with them today" he mumbled pushing Kol back out the door

Damon watched as Klause leaves before walking over to his brother "where is Caroline, why must you always follow after me" he folded his arms at his brother

"Caroline is with the twins and Bonnie, they are having a girls night, why where you with one of the Mikealson's they hate us" Stefan said with a frown

"I was not with him, he just so happened to already be here when I got there" Damon frowned and walked out the grill and back home with Stefan

Three days later Klause is stood to the side with a frown as the Salvatore twins argue with Rebekah and Kol "this is stupid" he huffs out

"What is your family number one rule" Damon questions stepping up beside the Mikealson boy

Klause gives Damon a questioning look "Fight for family not with them?"

Damon nodded while he thought about something Klause still eyeing the older with a questioning look "so if we all where family, the fighting would have to stop?"

"I suppose so" Niklause says slowly  "what are you thinking Damon" He narrows his eyes to him

"Simple really" Damon gave him a small smirk before stepping forward "will you stop your arguing, this is stupid, are we not suppose to fight for family not with them"

the arguing halted and the four gave Damon a questioning look "you're joking, we are not family with them" Stefan practically shouted

Niklause smirked finally getting to the point of what Damon was thinking "says who?" He butted in stepping up beside Damon "well maybe not yet but soon enough we will be"

"What are you talking about big brother" Rebekah says folding her arms over her chest

Damon looked at Niklause mirroring the mans smirk "it means we are going to be family"

"How on earth could that even happen" Kol snarled then let out a bitter laugh "unless one of us was going to marry one of you nasty things"

Damon clenched his fists but didn't move since Klause placed a hand on his chest "Exactly little brother, exactly that, one of us is marrying one of them"

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