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Damon wasn't always crazy, as a human he was the kindest brother you could hope for, he'd do as you wish even allow a girl to play with his heart if it meant his brother was happy, but that all changed when his little brother made him become a monster he didn't want to be, so it wasn't much of a surprise when he showed up at the boarding house at Stefans window, Stefan spun around to stare at his brother in confusion before anger "get lost Damon why can't you just leave me alone"

"You don't know?" Damon questions with a scoff "I have a promise to you brother, to make your life a living tragedy, a life of misery for eternity"

"You've had your fun for over 100 years why are you still doing this" Stefan groans out folding his arms as Damon steps closer "are you not finished making my life a living hell already?"

"Never, do you still not get it Stefan, you did this, and I'm going to make every day, every century of life letting you know that you are the reason I'm still alive, that I am the monster that you created" his smile was short of kindness as he patted Stefan's shoulder and walked passed the  younger and into the rest of the house

At every turn Stefan couldn't not see Damon, at the school, at home, at the grill, even at his girlfriends house, Damon grinned at Stefan as he walked in, popping a crisp into his mouth "you are something little brother, a complete replica I do say so myself" earning confused looks Damon dusted off his hands "Oh I must leave our uncle is waiting, don't stay out to late" he chimes blowing Elena a kiss and a small wink as he leaves.

Stefan was use to his brothers antiques and although he feared for Elena's safety he knew his brother wouldn't hurt her, much less the replica also known as the doppelganger of his first love, what he didn't expect upon returning home one night was Damon dancing drunk on a table with a female companion that looked very familiar to her best friends older sister, also the same girl Damon had bitten the night of his arrival leaving the young girl alive, she was laughing and giggling along side Damon "evening little brother" Damon announces loud as he laughs "care to join us" holding up his glass in a toast to his brother. "what are you doing Damon, are you trying to get into trouble" Damon smirked wrapping his arm around Viki pouring some of the drink over her neck as she laughs "I'm just having a little fun, don't you know fun Stefan" Stefan folded his arms glaring at Damon "I have a secret" Damon whispered that smirk on his face as he glanced over to his brother "how long does it take for vampire blood to be removed from someone's system" Stefan frowned in confusion but before Stefan had a chance to piece it together Damon gleefully snapped her neck and dropping her to the floor, smirking at Stefan's panic "no no Damon what have you done"

When Stefan looked up Damon had already walked away, Damon sat on his bed reading a book as Stefan walked into the room "what the hell is wrong with you Damon" Stefan shouted Damon simply ignored his brothers outburst "whatever do you mean brother, I get board of a toy I break it, it's always been that way" Tilting his head he dropped the book and glared towards Stefan "no wait, thats what you did and I took the blame so you didn't get in trouble, how do you repay me, oh that's right" Standing up he pushed Stefan into the wall pinning him by his throat and shouted "YOU TURN ME INTO A MONSTER THEN CAN'T FACE THE CONCIQUENCES, YOU DID THIS LITTLE BROTHER, YOU, ALL THIS IS ON YOU, THE KILLINGS, THE MURDERS, ZACKS DEATH even little Vikki Donavon, oh and do wish Elena my best wishes when she finds out her best friends big sister is a vampire, never mind her little brother junkie girlfriend" he gave a fake pout before leaving Stefan standing alone with a shocked look to his face

"You should stop this Damon" Damon sighed stopping infront of the man "how much longer do I have to follow you around like this" he asked Damon sighed and responded "not much longer, I have one more thing left to do, then we can settle down" the man looked uncertain of his words, staring back at the younger male "part of this is for you, once we free Katherine you can have your revenge and I'll hand the doppelganger over to you on a gold platter, it's that simple, Niklaus" he said with a smirk sitting on the older vampires bed

"And being in my room is part of this divine plan of yours?" Klaus raised an eyebrow looking at the younger "I'm a very impatient man Damon and I won't wait forever, how do I know you will hand over that doppelganger and not try and take her for yourself I've seen the way you look at her"

"Amusing, you can see the way i look at her and not the way I look at you" Damon lay down closing his eyes "being here is part of whats to come next, I got a little Bennett witch that can help us open the tomb then you can make your little appearance as the big bad hybrid, offcause you still need a little help from a certain teacher first, he's very intriguing actually, thinks he woke up as a little vampire hunter, actually its more of a grudge because he thinks I murdered his wife" Damon smirked

Klause rolled his eyes at the man "oh do please tell me this so smart plan of yours, I don't want to wait much longer"

"Operation make Damon look like the good guy" Damon smirked Klause frowned watching as Damon closed his eyes "you coming to bed?"

Klaus sighed "I would but it seems to be occupied by some brat" Klaus turned on his heels leaving Damon to sleep, a smirk spreading on the younger vampires lips

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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