wolf bite

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Caroline was running in the woods, Tyler had gotten out and she was his prime target, just as Tyler jumped for her she was shoved aside and toppled to the floor, she scrambled to her feet to see the face of pain on Damon as he ripped Tyler's jaws from his shoulder, he managed to knock the wolf out before scrambling to his feet and pulling Caroline up "we need to go"

"Damon he bit you" she said as they ran again

"Yeah I'm fully aware of the bite on my shoulder and you are not to tell anyone got it" he growled out making the blonde flinch in response "I mean it Caroline, I'll make your life worse if you tell anyone"

"Fine" she pouted folding her arms once they finally managed to find a place to hide as Damon looked over the bite before tugging his shirt over to hide it the best he can "you need Klause blood"

"No, no I don't" Damon glared at her "if we want something from him he's going to want something in return and there is nothing I am giving that man"

"Damon please, you're going to die if we don't" Damon rolled his eyes "at least let me try, I won't even tell Klause why I need his blood, Please!"

"Good luck with that blondie, you'd let it slip before you even finished the sentance of Hey Klause I need some of your blood, he's not going to give it away for no reason"

"Damon please" she pleaded

"Enough, it's not happening" he sighed rolling his eyes

She slumped in defeat nodding her head, once they got back to the boarding house Damon went straight to his room, Caroline frowning "I hate you Damon" she shouted up

"Until the day I die blondie, I wouldn't have it any other way" Damon called back

3 days later Damon packed up and left he knew it was going to get worse, soon the hallucinations where going to happen and he wouldn't be able to hide how bad he was getting "have you seen Damon" Stefan questioned

Bonnie and Elena shook their heads and Caroline looked uneasy "I not since Tyler turned into a wolf, he made me not say anything" she looked at them worried "he was bitten, Tyler bit him"

"What" Stefan looked at her worried, "my brother's dying and you decided not to tell us" Stefan looked angry

"He made me promise, he's going to be so mad I told you" She shook her head trying to stop the tears that escape

"We need to fine klause" Stefan ran his fingers through his hair "I'll look for Damon with Elena and you and Bonnie look for Klause"

They left, Stefan trying to figure out where Damon would go, and Bonnie and Caroline had gone to the mikealson mansion

Caroline bangged on the door waiting for it to be opened when Rebekah swung it open with a scowl "what do you girls want" she huffed foldig her arms

"We need to talk to Klause" Bonnie said a worried look on her face "it's urgant"

"Big brother" Rebekah called 3 of the showing up behind her shortly after "they need Niklause" she pointed to the duo at the door

"What do you need Klause for" Kol said a sneer in his voice towards the witch

"We need his blood" bonnie said folding her arms

"What for" Elijah questioned  "are you that desperate to ask for blood knowing my little brother won't give it for free"

"Please, we need it, we don't have anything he wants but we need the blood" Caroline pleaded

Rebekah rolled her eyes and went to shut the door only it stopped as a hand was placed on it "don't you get it, we are not giving you our brother and he won't give you his blood get out" she hissed at the younger vampire

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