I got you

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This was requested by user50906314 /Sxarletwidow3014
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**DISCLAIMER: This is an imagine about an eating disorder. If you feel uncomfortable with it just skip it 😊**

Y/n's POV

Lately something strange was going on with Hailee. She acted weird around me. She avoided physical contact with me and didn't look me in the eyes anymore. I tried talking to her but there was no luck. She completely shut me out. I was trying everything to make her feel better and get her to talk to me. The lack of physical and emotional closeness was really getting to me. So today I decided to go home early from work and surprise my girlfriend with some cupcakes and doughnuts from her favorite store. I picked up some flowers on the way.
I opened the door to our house. "Hailee, I'm home", I said and went into the quiet house. The lights downstairs were out so maybe she was upstairs watching a movie. I took off my shoes and walked up the stairs to our bedroom. Before I could speak up again I heard a weird noise like somebody gagging. I rushed inside thinking maybe Hailee was sick which would explain why she was feeling so off lately. I stormed in the bathroom and the sight made me freeze in my spot. There she was kneeling in front of the toilet finger up her throat. "H-Hailee", I whispered. Her head turned and the look of shock and horror was seen on her face. "Y/n? What are you doing here", she asked. "I-I... What are you doing, babe", I stuttered. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. Her gaze was fixed on her hands who started to shake badly. "Oh baby", I mumbled and slowly made my way towards her. I sat next to her pulling her in my lap just realizing how light she was. I hugged her close to me. "I'm sorry", the brunette just said before breaking down. Her whole body shook and sobs were heard in the bathroom. "Sshh, it's alright. I'm here", I whispered in her ear rocking us side to side. "I didn't mean...", she started and just brought me closer. We sat like this for a few minutes until she calmed down. „Is this the reason you are ignoring me and not behaving like yourself", I asked. „I'm sorry", she mumbled. „Since when is this going on", I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders. „Maybe a good month", she answered quietly her head hanging in shame. I took a deep breath trying not to cry. Seeing her like this hurt. „Why are you doing it", I questioned. „Because...", she started struggling to find the words. „I'm not beautiful and good enough", she said and my heart stopped beating for a few seconds. „Haiz, look at me", I talked quietly. She shook her head no. „Please", I said and finally my girlfriend locked eyes with me. I whipped away the tears and held her face in my hands. „Listen, and listen closely. You are beautiful. The most beautiful woman to walk this earth. And whoever tells you otherwise is blind. I love you the way you are. You are perfect the way you are and you don't need to change",I told her. „But they told me", she whimpered. „Who", I asked. „People on the Internet calling me fat. The producers from the last three castings, everyone is telling me that I'm not good enough", she replied. „Well, don't listen to these stupid assholes. You are beautiful and I love you. You have more castings along the way and just because a few pig idiot producers were extremely rude doesn't mean it is true. And you know people on the internet are just jealous and mean just because they are cowards", I replied. „I think I need help", Hailee whispered. I nodded. „We will get you help right away", I told her. She smiled a little. „I'm sorry", she said. „Stop saying that. You got this. We got this and I will be there for you no matter what", I told her. „I love you", she mumbled and I broke out into a grin. „Damn, I missed you saying that", I whispered. She giggled. She leaned towards me. „I missed this way more", She spoke before connecting our lips. I brought her closer but we got interrupted by a loud growl coming from her stomach. I looked at her. „If you want I brought cupcakes and doughnuts", I said. She looked a little unsure. „You know the ones you like so much", I spoke. Another growl was heard and we chuckled. I stood up with her in my arms. She squealed. „Well, one can't hurt", she talked. I smiled knowing that the Hailee I love is back. She ate a cupcake and I could convince her to eat a doughnut. We sat on the couch with a movie on. I saw her fiddling with her fingers. I grabbed her hands. „It's ok, babe. You are beautiful", I told her. „I feel like I need to... you know", she spoke. I nodded understandingly. „But you don't have to. Your stomach liked the food and your body needs the food. And just because of this doesn't mean you are not great and amazing and beautiful and smart and wonderful", I told her. „Alright, stop", she said chuckling. Her cheeks rosy from blushing. I grinned. I pecked her lips. „I love you Hailee", I told her. She cuddled close to me. „I love you, too", she replied. We continued watching the movie. By the end of it I saw that she fell asleep. „This is going to be hard but we got this. You are strong and beautiful and I will be with you. I love you, princess", I whispered pushing some strays of hair out of her face. „Night, Haiz", I told her kissing her temple before letting sleep take over me.

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