Fire To My Heart

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This was requested by ericoates15
It's based on the song 👆🏼(Imagine he is she)
I hope you like it.

Y/AN = Your artist name


I felt my phone vibrating again and I didn't have to look at the caller ID to know who it was. Hailee. My girlfriend. Well, not really my girlfriend. I don't even know what you would label us. I sighed pressing the ignore button again. I needed time to think. Hailee and I met each other at an event two years ago. I was an upcoming artist while she was, well, Hailee Steinfeld. We both knew that this between us would be complicated due to the fact that's she wasn't out yet and I didn't want to be labeled as just her girlfriend and people thinking I'm only with her because of more fame. Now we were kind of a thing and Hailee came out almost six months ago. She wanted to tell the world about us but I didn't want to. There were countless arguments about it and even though she told me she didn't care what other people think. I did. I worked really hard to be were I am right now. I didn't want people to think I'm taking advantage of her success.
So five days ago we had that same argument again and Hailee gave me an ultimatum. Either I want to be with her or not but she demanded an answer and I had to tell her the next time we see each other. Then she left and I didn't know what to do. I really liked her but didn't want to risk to get shit from people. "Heey girl", I heard my stylist Mason squeal. I smiled a little at the gay energy ball he was. "You ready to slay the carpet", he yelled. I nodded. "Alright. Drum roll, please", he said and rolled his "glamour on wheels", that's what he called it, into the room. We started looking for a good outfit and he did some customizing.

*time skip to the event*

The black car made its stop and the door got opened. I stepped out carefully and the yelling and camera flashing started. I put my best smile on knowing that as soon as I get in the building the time was getting closer on telling a certain brunette my answer.
I stood on the marked spots and did some poses before entering the building. My manager and I made our way to our assigned seats. "You're ready", my manager asked me. "Sure", I mumbled. I was nominated for Best Newcomer with some serious talented people in my category. "Ey yo", I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and was met with Justin Bieber. "Hey dude", I greeted him and then hugged Hailey. "You're excited", he asked sitting down I shrugged. "I don't think I'm going to win. Besides I'm not making music for the awards", I told him. "That's why I like you, man", he said before ordering a drink. "How's the wedded life", I questioned Hailey. "Pretty good", she answered. "Be honest. How annoying is he", I asked her mentioning to Justin jokingly. She laughed and he swatted my head away. "I don't think I like you anymore", he told me and I just grinned. "How's it going with you know", he asked me and my smile fell. "Not so great. I don't know. I'm just not ready", I told him. "It doesn't matter what answer you are going to choose as long as your heart is speaking", he spoke. "Shit! Is he always like that? Instagram or Tumblr quotes", I said and Hailey laughed with me. "No, Y/n. For real. Decide what you think is right for you", he spoke. I nodded. Before I could reply the show started. I looked on stage and saw Hailee?! I didn't know she is performing tonight.
She looked beautiful as always and I heard my heart pounding in my chest. Her eyes locked with mine before she started to sing.

Somebody tell me what is love
'Cause I don't know
Can make you happy, but it can make you cry
I don't understand it, nah
A kiss on my lips and
That's when he turned me into a sentimental mess
Somebody help me with this lovin', na nah

And I didn't hear what they're sayin'
Now I'm the stupid that you're playin'
But I just can't change what I feel for you

I thought you were the one
But you're just fire, fire to my heart
I should of known this from the start
That you're just fire to my heart
Tell me now boy, boy, do you love me?
Yes or just let me be
I thought you were the one
But you're just fire, fire to my heart

It's hard to believe in love
When someone plays with your heart
He made me happy then
But now he's just fire, fire to my heart
A kiss on my lips and
That's when he turned me into a sentimental mess
Somebody help me with this lovin', na na

I never hear what they're sayin'
Now I'm the stupid that you're playin'
But I just can't change what I feel for you
I thought you were the one

But you're just fire, fire to my heart
I should of known this from the start
That you're just fire to my heart
Tell me now boy, boy, do you love me?
Yes or just let me be
I thought you were the one
But you're just fire, fire to my heart

What you say to me?
One question, one answer
Is what I need from you
What I need from you, nah
Do you love me too?
One question, one answer
Is what I need from you
What I need from you, nah

I thought you were the one
But you're just fire, fire to my heart
I should of known this from the start
That you're just fire to my heart
Tell me now boy, boy, do you love me?
Yes or just let me be
I thought you were the one
But you're just fire, fire to my heart

The whole audience erupted in applause. I felt the lump in my throat grow knowing this was about us. I sat back listening to the show.
"So the next category is Best Newcomer. Which I'm super excited about because there is mad talent this year", I heard Will.I.Am say. My eyes wandered around locking with a certain brunette. She smiled a little at me knowing how nervous this makes me. "And the winner is.... Y/AN", Will announced and cheers could be heard. I just sat there still looking at Hailee who was clapping and smiling at me. "Dude! You won", Justin told me shaking me gently. "Huh what", I asked confused. "You won", my manager told me and I looked shocked. "Really", I asked surprised. He nodded and hugged me. I got hugged by a couple of more people. I went on stage thanking Will and grabbed the award. I leaned towards the mic. "Uh hey", I awkwardly said and heard some chuckles. "Whooo Y/n. So inspiring", I heard Justin yell. "Shut up, dude. I'm new to this", I told him and the people laughed. "Ok. Sorry for that. First of all, I want to say what an huge honor it was to get nominated along such great artists this year. I have major respect for everybody not only in this category but in this room and in this business in general. Thank you for making music that helps everybody get through shit. Then I want to thank my team who worked their asses, I mean butts off everyday, thanks Mason for making me look good, my manager for believing in me, Republic Records, my family. Thank you to everybody who uplifted me and supported me. A huge thank you to my fans. You are the shit. I love you. Without you I wouldn't be standing here", I talked and my eyes wandered to Hailee and I knew it then and now. "And most importantly thank you Hailee for being there for me. This woman is definitely the reason why so many couples had a great love song this Valentines Day and the Biebs had an awesome wedding song to dance to", I spoke and people cheered. "Thank you and have a great night", I said and left the stage. I walked towards Hailee who was still standing. I hugged her tightly. "Congratulations. I'm so proud of you", she whispered in my ear. "Thanks for believing in me", I told her. She let go of me and a few others congratulated me. "Would it be bad if I kissed you", I asked quietly. She shook her head no so I leaned in and put our lips together. I heard a few cheers and smiled. "I love you Hailee Steinfeld", I told her. "I love you, too", she said. And I went back to my seat smiling like an idiot.

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