"That's a stupid name..." (Chapter Six)

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"And that's how I got my name...I saw that these powers were like earthquake blast...but I didn't wanna steal Quake from Marvel so I switched it to Quoke." He explained.

It's been 30 minutes since I took him to the base and he's been catching me up on his life and how he got his name. Sam stared at him with a blank expression on his face and Karen tried not to laugh. Lakota shook her head.

"That's a stupid name..." I said. Jasahn laughed.

"Well, how'd you come up with Pulse?" He asked. I chuckled.

"Well, it's one helluva story..." I say. I took a deep breath and start to tell the story. "Then, after all the fighting...Jaden asked me what my name was...I didn't really even have a name at the time, but once I felt the pulse on my cheek...I knew who I was...who I was born to be...and that was Pulse." I finish.

"Wow...your story is definitely better than mine." Jasahn said in shock.

"Yep..." I said with a shrug.

"You're crazy kid...you took on a whole gang for one dude? Before you even had your powers?" Sam asked.

"Yeah...I did...and that was way before we assembled this team...it was crazy..." I replied.

"I didn't know that's how you got your name, Jarahn...I knew you saved Jaden before, but we didn't know that's how you got your name...that's really cool.." Lakota said. I smiled a bit.


"It's pretty cool.." Jasahn said. Lakota left the room and came back with a check. The check had $10,000 written on it. She handed it to Jasahn.

"This is for your aunt. Send her my wishes."

"You're kidding.."

"Definitely not. That wouldn't be a funny joke." Lakota smiled. "I hope that's enough for the hospital bill. If not, come back to me."

"Are you rich or something?" Jasahn asked in shock.

"Yes, yes I am." She laughed. "Now that you have your money, will you stop fighting?" She asked.

"Um..I don't know...I've never pursued this in any other way...but being out there is kinda fun.." Jasahn said.

"And there's nothing I can say to convince you not to?"

"Probably...I know I could die...I know-"

"Shush. What's your favorite color?"

"Blue..? I'm sorry, but what's going on-"

"Follow me." She said as she walked off to her lab. Jasahn followed her.

"She loves making suits..." I laughed. Sam chuckles silently and I look at him. "Was that a chuckle?" I asked.

"Well...I better head out." Sam said while completely ignoring my question and heading out of the base. I laughed again.

"I made him laugh!" I yelled in victory.

Jasahn was measured and surveyed by Lakota to learn about the way he'll fight and the way he wants to get around. 2 hours pass by and Lakota was crafting Jasahn's suit. And I was training Jasahn on the 3rd floor.

Jasahn was sent flying and he slammed hard onto his back after the kick to the chest. He stared at the ceiling in regret.

"Timeout..?" He struggled to speak.

"It hasn't even been an hour yet!" I yelled.

"...it's been 30 minutes though..." He whined as he rolled onto his stomach.

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