The New Kid on The Block (Chapter Five)

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It was 2pm and I was on the second floor with Karen. Her and I lied on one of the couches together as we watched "Into The Spider Verse" for the 11th time...well it's the 11th time for me...3rd time for her...

"Einstein said time was relative, right? Maybe I'm not late. Maybe you guys are early." I said with Miles Morales on screen. She shook her head with a laugh and eased her way slowly down in order to rest her head on my chest. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The microwave went off. "Popcorn's done!" I cheered. I get up to move, but she wraps her arms around me so I couldn't even budge off the couch. "Fine, fine. It can wait." I laugh.

"What's been on your mind lately?" She asked as she looked up at me with her beautiful hazel eyes. I continued to look up at the T.V.

"Nothing much..."

"I've been thinking about my mom a lot...My dad's been doing alright."

"That's good...what about the...?" Karen asked, trying not to finish her sentence.

"The explosion...? Yeah..." I looked down, trying to look sad.


"Nah, I'm just messing." I rose my head with a grin. "I've gotten closure with that. It wasn't my was Splicer's...and Splicer is dead. I'll put so much good in this city that the bad will be forgotten." I explained. Karen smiled at my words and then smacked my arm.

"That wasn't funny!" She yelled.

"Sorry..." I say trying to sound convincing. The microwave went off again and I looked at it.

"I'll get it!" She jumps up. "Don't you move!" She commanded as she walked away. It's been 3 weeks since I've taken down Jeff Freeman. And now I'm 3 three weeks closer to freshman year of high school. Do I look forward to this? No. School will interrupt this flow I've been having during the summer. Now I'll have to worry about new work, new faces, and new territory. I hate new things. My phone beeped and it was a text from Jaden. He was checking up on the base. He hasn't been off work since 11pm.

"How are things?" His message said.

"Good. We're all just vibing, how's work?" I texted back.

"Awful. I'm dead inside and I haven't slept...I miss my computer."

"Why haven't you slept? Aren't there rooms for that stuff?"

"Yes, but that's a bad idea because you wake up feeling like crap."

"Makes sense. You coming here when you get off?"

"Nah, I have to sleep and run some errands. How's Lakota?"

"She's okay. She's watching tv downstairs."

"That's good. Imma head out. Be safe."

"You too." I sent. I then hit the power button on my phone and Karen was coming back over to the couch with a bowl filled with buttered popcorn. Plus, a nice Coke from the mini fridge. "There was coke in the fridge?"

"Yes, I hid it because you were being greedy." Karen laughed.

"Wow." I laughed. She wasn't wrong though, my appetite seemed higher than what it used to be. I have a non-stop taste for soda and junk food.

Things have been quiet ever since I've taken down Jeff. Criminals saw the hero of the city with newfound abilities. And then that hero took down a criminal who also has newfound abilities. They saw what I'm capable of so they seem to be quiet. Waiting for the moment to show itself. Too bad for them, I'd never let that moment happen.

"Jarahn?" Karen asked.

"Hmm?" I say as I stare at the tv.

"I love you." She says. And that was it. That was the first time she's ever said those words to me in person. And the first time words made my heart dance. I turned to her. It may seem like it was too soon, but I didn't feels good to know that the person you love, loves you back.

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